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Everything posted by 66rmack

  1. Built the x member.
  2. Honestly I shifted it to figure out where high was. To the right and twords the dash. And just leave it in hi it seems to take off fine. With no prob. I am wondering if I should just remove the auxiliary all together and just have it like it is supposed to be from the factory?
  3. The 3 speed aux I'm not sure what it is its def. not factory. It's In line after the Trans. It seems to hurt the speed rather than help it I'll check what it is tonight. 60mph seems to be about 1800rpm right now.
  4. So I cleaned the crud off the drives last night and found it the truck has 4:17 gears. With the 5 speed and the 3 speed aux and 24.5 tires. It seems pretty slow so my ? Is if I remove the aux how can I figure pi what my top speed would be?
  5. Got some cleaning done on the body. And started making the rear x member. I think it's going to clean up nice.
  6. Thanks guys. Snow dog did nail it. I asked my dad. He said he replaced the heater assembly with a take out. He didn't even seem to know it had the sticker on it. Lol..
  7. Could somebody tell me what Trans has this shift pattern. This is off the heater panel of my dads 66 R model, h said it has a quad. But this doesn't seem to be right for a quad? As always thank you guys for the awesome help you are always giving to some of us newbs. And again sorry for the upside down pic... I can't get it to flip...😡
  8. I really like them. My dad seems to be holding out on me. I know he is getting excited to see it. I just need to finis the frame. Then fix a couple oil leaks, and a air leak before I can drive it from my work In ND to home in WI. Don't want to get hassled by the long arm of the law..
  9. It feels like Christmas my dad gave me his extra set of mud flaps. I love the old Mack stuff. New stuff just isn't the same.
  10. The old lady and I pulled the trick In and cut the frame and put the new 24" sections I had made. It's starting to look like its supposed to again. Sorry about the upside down pics. Posting from my phone and I can't seem to get them to flip.
  11. Thanks guys I had the steel shop form me some steel so I can add to the back of the frame at least enough to get mud guards back on the thing. As for the springs in the back it rides pretty dang smooth empty. Lol almost as smooth as air ride.
  12. I can get them anything in general you want to look at?
  13. Could anyone tell me how to tell what the weight rating of my front axel is on my 70 R-600
  14. I couldn't tell you exactly what number my shaft is cause I just used one my dad had left in his pile of parts.
  15. Thank you for your info. I got the truck running by using the shaft out of my dads junk 250. I plan to upgrade the shaft. But as of now I'm not to worried about it. But if someone does have the info I would really apriciate it as I will do the upgrade at some point.
  16. Here is what mine did
  17. I need to do something with the frame I know it doesn't matter for anything other than appearance, but I just want it to look factory. Not farmer'd. The coupler is another story...😬
  18. Thanks so it's not the most hd suspension. Cause I'm pretty sure my dads is heavier. And his is camelback. Is there any reason why one is better than the other?
  19. Here is a pic of the frame. Also what is the name of this style suspension? Also could anyone tell me how to tell what size axels these are?
  20. I will def be keeping both. Just need to find another donor to fix my dads.
  21. It's in very nice shape for a 1970 Had a smile on my face the whole time I was in it.
  22. Got the blue truck running today. It runs very very good, seems to have good power. Everything seems to work I'm thinking it would be a shame to take it apart. The only thing I don't know about is the back of the frame seems to be cut off. There is no rear crossmember. So I'm not sure what to do about that.trim.D7184B71-1A80-4CD3-86C2-8D14769DB2F3.MOV
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