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    moving dirt, hunting coyotes, eating steak

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  1. I have an 05 with the 460, new turbo 15000 miles ago. under full load turbo is consistent at 35 psi. when i drive empty at 1400 to 1600 rpm boost builds to 20 psi or so and then dumps then comes right back up. what might this be?
  2. well its been a while but i am back. we got the tranny rebuilt, and then a new turbo as well as 2 eup pumps, I think that was what they were called. Power is still lousy although the turbo made a difference. The boost went from 20 to 35. Moving identical weight loads my 98 tandem with tag trailer at 350 hp will catch the 460 hp semi on a hill. I have noticed the pyro meter will only reach 600 degrees after a long pull on a hill with 90,000 pounds. Filters have been changed (is it ever that simple). Miles are at 620000. Where do we go from here? I am ready for the ":it's like a new truck experience". Any suggestions?
  3. the switch is a push button so no way to tell on or off. we are going to to find out why the light on the switch doesn't work. I tried a new switch and the light didn't work but I could hear the locker working.
  4. 2005 mack with 18 speed and full lockers. The 2 switches on the dash are push button with a light. When locking the rears the lights on the switch won't light up but the lockers are working. Without the light how do I know when the axels are not locked together. Or what is the proper way to engage and disengage the axel lockers? The power divider does work, the light on the dash works for it. any help? thanks.
  5. our local truck shop "upgrades" lots of Cummins and the place they get the kit is working on one for Mack's. It is supposed to have a kit around the first of the year. I have an 05 Vision with the 460 and 18 speed hoping to do the same.
  6. its getting a reman tranny this week. not concerned with power at this time. we we recover from new tranny expense we will revisit the power issues. its a mack 18 thought synchronizers were bad but had a broken gear as well. don't like used trucks.
  7. Next question, Dealer says 20 to 30 is normal boost. Have the trucks that are getting 35 or 40 factory original or have they had some enhancements? The truck does seem geared high, it runs 60mph at 1250 rpm in 18. I seem to be in 16 or 17th gear at 1800rpm at the bottom of the hill. then drop 1 or 2 gears to get to the top. 1/2 mile long hill medium grade.
  8. ok here we go. a month ago I bought a 2005 cxn613 with the 460 and 18 speed. after 3 weeks in the shop getting wet kit, replacing broken springs, bad wheel seals etc. I got to move some heavy equipment. The hoes and dozers I am moving put me at a gvwr of 90 to 95 thousand. Living and hauling in west central Illinois we have hills but nothing huge. I have a mack tandem with 350 mack and a super 10. Grossing 75 to 80 we down shift once on "the hill" when moving smaller machines. With the new setup [460 mack grossing 90 to 95] we had to down shift twice. What should I expect? Turbo boost maxed at 25 psi when pulling the hills. Someone tell me what is normal. .Thanks
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