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B MACK last won the day on September 20 2020

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    nw montana

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    I like old gas pumps, old cars & trucks, doing outdoor things and working in my shop, I was a logger, now in road construction

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  1. Ok , thanks. That gives me a few more things to check.
  2. Thanks for the info and ideas. Probably take it to the shop, but was trying to figure it out and do it myself.
  3. It is a recently rebuilt 302 (5.0). Had them put a little different cam in it. All new plugs. It has less than 5 thousand miles on it. I've been told maybe a mass air flow sensor?
  4. My 1995 F150 had a check engine light on. I put my OBD1 reader on it, it showed some minor codes (brake lights, reverse light, etc.), the main code was 172.O2 sensor. I disconnected the battery and replaced the O2 sensor. The check engine light came back on with in 2 miles, maybe 10 minutes running. It is showing the same codes, 172 being one of them. Is there something else to do to reset codes on an OBD 1 system other than disconnecting the battery? Or does anyone have an idea why the 172, O2 code would keep coming up?
  5. Back in the mid 1980's it was minus 10 when I left Montana. I took a load to Fredrick, Maryland, it was 34 above !! That was fricking cold. I couldn't wait to get back out west out of that darn humidity.
  6. I was outside for a while, maybe 2 hours helping my neighbor jump start his pickup. It wasn't bad , with the "sub zero" coveralls and my fur lined head gear. And what really helped, there was NO wind! The rest of the day was inside keeping the wood stove going.
  7. It has been slow for winter to arrive here in Montana, but it did!!! The National news always seems to forget about the inter pacififc northwest. We do get weather here in Montana, we have had some cold and wind chill temps. Here is what I saw at 7:30 this morning.. minus 39 degrees. I was outside feeling that . Some one from southwest Montana posted this other pict on a news site.. Wow!!
  8. I will give my 2 pennies worth also. I had/ still have a 1982 ( bought new in 84) Superliner with a Spicer direct 5 speed main box and a 1241 four speed behid it. So Mack did put Spicer boxes in. It might have been a special order, that's why it sat on the lot for 2 years. With two transmissions and originally 511 rear ends, and the rear ends were Rockwells. Mack has or has had some different transmissions. I ran a dump truck with a mack 12 speed. I liked that trany . Two whole gears in each slot you put the stick in. Really deep lo . And 5 or was there 6 reverse ?
  9. Yes it sounds like you have your fuel system figured out and know what you want , I can see why you want separate gauges now. And yes with the tanks both not being under the doors, a cross over would not work . It sounds like you are really thinking ahead on things way before you do it. I think you are going to end up with a top notch rig. Good luck with your project.
  10. When I was hauling logs with my Superliner I had two 100 gallon tanks. One on each side below the doors. Their were the steps. Most of the time I could get by with less than 100 gallons of fuel, but just in case of a long day or some other issue I had fuel in the other tank, with the cross over valve closed. That "extra reserve" fuel was in that other tank not being used or having new fuel added, turned black. I think it had algea growing in it. My idea of having the other tank as a reserve could have got me in in real mess. I would put a cross over line on and run both tanks. Maybe keep yourself from getting in trouble.
  11. I am just curious why you want a third air pressure, (applications gauge is sometimes handy but for a toy hauler I would think not) and a second fuel gauge? I would delete those two and go with pyro and manifold pressure and then maybe fuel pressure. All though that bigger twin pressure pyro does look good.
  12. Do you have a B-71?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chillywilly


      Great, I assume day cab??   Help me out, I am no good on a computer and cannot find where I noticed your name associated with a B-71. Heck it was only 8 days ago, and I cannot find the 'page' I was viewing.  This site is great, but it may be a while until I can master all the "pages".    Anyhooooo, tell me about B-71. I was lucky enough to get the sleeper (1955) in excellent restored condition from Mr Crouse many years ago and just recently removed it from storage.  I have no idea how to post a pic (yet) but I can e-mail you....maybe send me a pic of yours >> greenville.sc.dave@gmail.com <<  thanks

    3. chillywilly


      Ha   I found your pic     I "searched" for B=71 ....maybe I did that 8 days ago     very nice       where did you find it?

    4. B MACK

      B MACK

      Thanks. I am the second owner of the truck. It was originally a log truck. I bought it local , in northwest Montana. I took all of the log rigging  and cab guard off. Yes, it is a day cab. I think the B71 was only powered by a Cummins. The engine serial number matches the numbers on the build sheet. And the Cummins tag on the accessary drive say it's an NHB335.  



  13. I might have bitched about bitched about this in the past. ( First off, I've been around trucks since the 1960's - 70's . I started driving in 1982.) I have driven different trucks , hauled different trailers and loads or equipment. Currently I am lowboying heavy equipment. The truck I am running is a 2016 KW t880, ISX 525, 18 speed , I believe the rears are 4:33;s . It does ok pulling 11 axle multi jointed lowboy, grossed at 198,500lbs , with a CAT 349 excavator. Anyway, I was getting fuel in Missoula, Mt. the other day, The truck next to me was a newer KW w900 (mid 2010;s?). I saw when he opened his door, there were three , four foot high shifters on the floor. When he pulled away from the fuel pump he must have shifted 10 gears in about 20 feet!, (In a parking lot , that is stupid). I have driven multi stick trannies , And now , I really like the newer transitions and bigger power. I,myself hate shifting . It just really makes me laugh that these "drivers" that have never driven "a set of sticks", and now they have a newer big power truck with an 18 speed , that with a normal load , can be straight sticked all day long, now just to be cool and post videos they put another 4 foot high shifter thru the floor for high and low and for the split gears. I do not understand the new breed???
  14. Thanks, I will pass that info on to my buddy.
  15. All of my dogs have been not pure bread. My B and Superliner are Cummins power. A friend recently picked up a, I believe he told me, a CH613 with a E9 in it. He is wanting to know where is the block heater location on an E9? thanks
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