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Everything posted by Mack58B42

  1. Just had a nice chat with Ray, and I think we'll be able to work something out. Thanks for the heads up on that one!
  2. Thanks - I sent him a PM, so hopefully he'll be checking in and will catch it....
  3. I suppose that this should technically go in the transport forum, but I'm guessing that more people monitor this one, so..... I'm working with Dennis at Old Mack Trucks on a deal to trade my B42 dump for a B-85 fire truck that he has. (btw - if anyone is interested in my B42, let me know. I'm told that my EN401motor is getting tired and will probably need a head gasket sooner rather than later, but if you're looking for a single axle dump that's otherwise in very good condition to swap a diesel into, this could be the truck for you!) I thought that I had a local carrier who's hauled my other trucks who could do the trip both ways from southern RI to Dennis' place in NY, but my guy just sold his Landoll and hasn't replaced it yet. Can anyone recommend someone in the range of these two spots that could do the haul one or both ways, hopefully for a not exorbitant price?
  4. I like it sitting up a little higher like it does......
  5. Spotted this Superliner the other day while eating breakfast in Southern RI...... I think there was a post here recently noting that it was for sale on Craigslist, so it either sold, or whoever had it for sale has it back on the road. And don't worry - it DID have a driver, but I retouched the pic as his face was pretty clear.
  6. Nice looking truck! Good luck with the business.....
  7. Was sitting here dreaming about the Mack B fire truck that I used to have (and mentally kicking myself - again - for selling it), and my thoughts drifted back a few years to when I worked at a camp in Hebron NH, and took a spin out to Alexandria one day to check out their B Model. Talked to one of their officers who told me how much they liked it - especially its power climbing the hills in the mountainous region. So I googled it to see what I could find, and ended up at this thread. Maddog - do you still have it? If you do, and ever want to sell it, I'd love to become its next caretaker.....
  8. Hmmm...... interesting project - can't wait to see pics when it's done. So far it seems to be shaping up nicely, and the proportions look promising....
  9. Sweet!!!
  10. I agree - I like that.....
  11. Oooohhh....... Forget the Futureliner - I'll take the bus!
  12. Mike, I hate pricing stuff. PM me an offer, and if it's reasonable, I'll likely take it.....
  13. They are, indeed..... Here's a fresh pic of them.
  14. Boy, I'd be thrilled if either of my rigs could get anywhere near 55mph!! My B42 Tops out at about 43 on a flat, and I'm told my ALF 700, were it actually running, would only do about the same..... I'm OK with 43mph, but it sure makes the lines of cars behind me very unhappy! And it's even worse if I hit a hill, and it slows down to about 35.....
  15. Took me by surprise, too when I first went to the site, and it was even worse that I was getting a message saying that the link was no good and that it couldn't find the page I had been on. I thought the whole site was gone! But after logging back in and poking around, it's definitely a different look, but most of the features that were there before are still here, some just in slightly different places. Barry noted that not all the features and functions carried over, but that he's working on those, so hopefully soon that stuff will be fixed, and we'll have gotten used to the new look, and all us old Swamp Yankee types that are afraid of change will be able to crawl out from our hiding places and re-engage :-)
  16. There are some nice rigs in there!
  17. Hmmm..... I like that version of the Superliner.....
  18. Here we go. If you dig around on their website, they have a couple pics of it..... Ii love the proportions of this one.
  19. B-model tow trucks are awesome. Would be great to see a pic of that one.....
  20. Thanks. So it sounds like having to cut a bunch of welds is not unusual.....
  21. Was the lower plow frame on yours welded on? Is that normal? My B42 has obviously plowed at some point. The upper frame is gone, but the lower frame is still on, and it's welded on so thoroughly, that I'm wondering if torching/cutting it off is going to make more of a mess than it's worth.... Especially since I'm not sure I can match whatever color the restorers used on the undercarriage.....
  22. I think the gray/black combo will be sharp! From the view of the driver's side it looks like it would almost match my Jeep colors exactly. Hmmmm..........
  23. Nice! I remember Forte and Tilcon/Gammino working on a lot of RI highway projects when I was younger. It seems that a lot of the old RI road builders tended to favor Macks, and I remember them eyeing them all. I still enjoy seeing the range of Macks that Cardi runs - from their beat up old R models to one of their sharp, brand new equipment haulers that I saw in Westerly this week.... And I see a lot of D'Ambra Macks around South County as well.
  24. Love that paint scheme!
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