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Everything posted by Mack58B42

  1. Thanks to everyone who's replied. Here's where we're at: The "Mack" scripts are sold The "Diesel" scripts are sold The "Thermodyne" scripts are sold. So that leaves the Dogs, the one B-61 script, and the straight SS pieces.... Mike F - if you're interested in the B-61 script, you can PM me with an offer. Not sure if you noticed, but there is only one of those..... Thanks all!
  2. Hey - sorry for no response. I've been away from the computer for a few days with snow cleanup, work, and a nasty sinus infection, but the program was still open in the background. So I'm just seeing these replies. I also have a couple PMs that I was planning on responding to Monday after work, so let me see who's looking at what pieces, and I will reply to all of you with PMs. Again, sorry if it looks like I've been online, but not responding.... I think that everyone is looking for different pieces, so it should work out well.... Mike
  3. Got some hood trim from a past B-61 I owned that ultimately had to be scrapped. The long pieces are in great shape, the letters and dogs are a mixed bag. If you're interested (or have any questions about them), PM me with an offer, and I'll probably just sell them for whatever the best offer is that I get by the end of the weekend - unless someone jumps in early with a number I can't refuse :-)
  4. Nice - I wondered where they had all headed off to....
  5. Does the camelback make a big difference? I do recall that when one of those trucks, carrying a full load of crushed stone, would go around a corner (90 deg), they DID seem to lean a bit more that I think I might have been comfortable with if I was driving it.... I've heard the term before and have a vague idea of it, but how, exactly does the camelback differ from the normal suspension, which I assume is a combo of springs/air?
  6. I live a couple miles away from the old Copar pit they were using in Bradford, RI, and for a while, I got to see the Granites hauling in and out of there almost daily. Made me want to quit my job and see if I could get a gig driving one. They are/were very nice looking rigs......
  7. Went over to my friend's garage (Winter Storage) yesterday afternoon to measure the aftermarket ones that are on the truck now. Was a bit surprised to find that they are only 30" (I would have guessed longer). And it seemed like a nice length visually. So I just sent in my order and went with 30"......
  8. To their credit, they did correct that in Issue 2 and noted that they had mis-identified that rig as a Suburbanite......
  9. Seems that RI isn't terribly concerned about it. Here's the section on mud flaps: Well, for some reason, I can't copy and paste into a reply (not the first time I've had his problem), but basically, RI General Laws 31-23-26 state that the only time special flaps are needed are if the wheels extend beyond the body and/or fenders. Nothing specific about mud flaps. So, for me, I guess it'll be what looks best. But I think that 30" seems sort of short, so I think I'm still going to go with the 36" ones.....
  10. Oh, interesting - I'd never thought that flaps might not have been stock.... Guess I'll go with the 36", and I'll have to see if I can find any info about what would be techincally legal in RI, although since I have it registered as an antique, the laws don't really apply. Still - I'd like it to be accurate to what would have been required if it was being run commercially..... Thanks!
  11. I see that Watts has 30" and 36" mud flaps in the B-model section. I have aftermarkets on my B-42 at the moment, and would like to order a set of the bulldog ones. Does anyone know if the 30" or the 36" would be more "stock" for a B42 single axle dump? Thanks - Mike
  12. While my B42 still has a lower plow frame, even if I had the upper portion and a plow, it would be overkill for a couple driveways, even though they are rather long.... So I make do with a Snowbear plow for my Jeep. Given all the snow we had last year here, it's already gotten about 5 years worth of use based on what we "normally" get here in my neck of the woods.....
  13. Sounds great - must have been nice to get it out for a little test ride.....
  14. Well, I just subscribed. I hope they haven't faltered already!! No mention of any issues on their website.....
  15. Yeah - I have the same problem at work. Time on the phone means time not getting anything done!
  16. Hmmmm......... Actually, I tried to e-mail him recently about a radiator shell, and the e-mail address from his site bounced back. Said his mailbox was full. I'll have to try again about that and check on the bus, too....
  17. Do you know if he had already restored it, or was it still in "raw" condition? I think a restored one would most definitely be out of my price range.....
  18. Oooohhhh..... I'd snap one of those up! They look awesome! Wonder if that'd be too tall for my garage, though..... My goal has always been to have a fire truck, a dump truck, and a school bus. I have two out of three. Just been waiting for the right school bus. I've always leaned toward a 1970's Loadstar/Bluebird combo, since that's what I rode on as a kid. Haven't found a nice enough one yet at the right price though. I suspect that something like one of these would be a bit pricey at this point. Anyone know what the numbers were for totals of Mack school busses made? Can I assume that they made the bodies as well, or did they just sell chassis to body makers like Wayne?
  19. Love the Mack busses! Those tailfins ARE weird, though......
  20. Thanks! Is there some sort of trick to getting a link in a post that I'm not seeing?
  21. Yeah, I wondered how many years that's been plowing - probably on a city or state contract, and assume that there would be some rust involved..... Still - a nice looking truck....
  22. Spotted a couple nice Bs on the Boston Craigslist. I can't get the link to paste, but if you Google craigslist 5366684825, you should get there. The tractor seems a bit expensive, but unless the frame is gone, the B81 looks like a nice setup for the price......
  23. :-) If the ALF could net anything close to what this is worth, I'd do it! I'd have to sell both the ALF and my B42 to be able to pull this one off! And like you, space is an issue. Right now, I already have two trucks and only one garage.
  24. Interesting. I don't think I ever wondered if it was getting too MUCH gas..... Maybe that was part of the problem all along. Although it's been over a couple years, I do remember eventually bypassing the mechanical pump in the end because it was leaking like a sieve. But maybe the electric pump was just forcing excess out. It's all a bit vague at this point. Good information to consider for the future if I get it back, though. Thanks.
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