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Everything posted by Mack58B42

  1. That looks sharp! Great color scheme.....
  2. Nice! I also like the old train car and bus - are they yours too?
  3. Here's a link to Ryan's more complete gallery of pics. http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/photopanel.cgi?listingid=2911847&category=0&zip=&kwd= I wish there was some info on each of the trucks, including whether or not they are in running condition. I might be interested in one or two of them, but I can't spend 2 days running across NE to go to the preview then the auction. Looks like a lot of potential in this bunch! Is Jeff a member here? I'd love to see if there is a list of the B Models with their VINs and a basic descriptions so I could load them all into the B-model registry (although many of them might already be there - his name popped up a lot when I was converting the list from pdf into Excel....
  4. Welcome to the group! We love pictures (hint, hint)! I suspect that before long someone on here will chime in who either has what you're looking for (I think someone mentioned recently that they had doors, and I remember seeing a pair on Craigslist recently), or will have some leads for where to check. Oh, did I mention that we love pictures? :-) Mike
  5. There were about 20,000 B42s made. Compared to about 60,000 for the B61's, that's about 2/3 less, but still not an insignificant amount. I found one on a farm locally last year in very good shape and bought it for what I thought was a reasonable price. Unfortunately, soon after that, it began to exhibit signs of needing a head gasket replaced, which was a much more expensive repair than I wanted to deal with, so I sold it and got my B85. If you're looking to see what it's worth, I paid $6000 for mine. It had a 1970s restoration that was still in pretty good shape, with very little rust showing on the body, and a very clean undercarriage, with air brakes and a quadruplex 20 speed. Below is a picture of it to get an idea of the condition. I'm now on the hunt for another one in about the same condition. I do see them pop up once in a while, but they all seem to be about as far away from the east coast as they can be, or they just need a bit more work than I'm willing/able to do. Is it something you're looking to buy? Or something that you DID buy?
  6. That's a sharp looking truck. When I see one like this, it reminds me of when I was a kid and saw construction companies running the B81 dumps, and loved how they just looked like they were all business and tough as nails. I know that the days of the B are over, and that a lot of the trim and parts on this are plastic and not chrome, and that it's full of emissions stuff, and computers, but I still see the heritage of the older Macks in the look of this truck, and I like it....
  7. Sounds like a good guy, (and seems to have certainly fostered a great taste in trucks!!). Sorry for your loss.....
  8. Here's what the state law says: "Penalties for violations of this section will be calculated on the registered or permitted weight in comparison to the actual weight and shall be heard and adjudicated at the administrative adjudication division of the department of transportation. (a) The overweight penalties for vehicles exceeding 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight shall be as follows. No fine for the first five hundred (500) pounds overweight; fifteen cents ($.15) per pound overweight between five hundred (500) pounds and five thousand (5,000) pounds; and one dollar ($1.00) per pound for each pound overweight in excess of five thousand (5,000) pounds. (b) The overweight penalties for vehicles under 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight shall be twenty-five cents ($.25) per pound overweight. (c) the overweight penalty for vehicles being operated in excess of one hundred four thousand, eight hundred (104,800) pounds gross vehicle weight shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000) in addition to the penalties enumerated in subdivision (a) hereof." The total limit for any number of axles isn't to exceed 104,800 lbs without a permit. Since they (Bay Crane) say they were told a permit was forthcoming, one would assume that it hasn't been unheard of for RI to issue permits to trucks in this weight range before, but, still, that's a lot of weight to get nabbed carrying without the permit. So, if the state went by the book (subsection c, then back to subsection a), they should have been hit with total penalties of about half a million, including that little matter of the $60,000 DOT fine for having to spend several days fretting over the whole thing..... So I don't think they got off too badly in the end, relatively speaking. They should have known better - they're not rookies. I do wonder what sort of formula they used in the end to calculate the actual fine - or if they just chose a random number that would be painful, but not so high that Bay Crane would sue them over relative to what large loads in that range are normally permitted for in RI....
  9. I'm hoping to find one long enough to haul my B85, ideally behind a B61 single axle dump, or tractor..... But, as maddog points out, it's tough to find anything in the Northeast that's not missing a third of its original metal.
  10. Thanks for the advice. BC- as a former firefighter, I am well versed with doing a pre-trip inspection and walk-around, and I take the time to do it before every trip. When I first heard the hiss, out of curiosity, I checked the maxi by not engaging it when I parked, and when the air drained to 75psi, it did kick in automatically, so I'm fairly comfortable that that works. But air systems are not my specialty, and I will peruse the docs you attached to get more up on that. I certainly don't want any surprises with my brake pedal! J - was speaking with someone at work this morning who is a mechanic, and he agrees with you that a good high-temp hose should be fine, so he's going to take it off, and we'll have a new hose made up to the right length and pop it back on. He's worked in fleet maintenance in the past, and it sounds like he thinks it's a pretty straightforward job... Thanks again! Mike
  11. Hi, I have a question that I'm hoping someone mechanical can answer. I've attached a Word doc with a picture of my compressor (at least I THINK that's what it is!) and the main air line that comes off it. I can't quite tell for sure where it goes, although I assume it's the air tank. Anyway, if you look at the spot where the arrow is pointing, the copper line and the SS braided line have been rubbing together so long that it has created a leak in the braided line, and if the copper line isn't leaking, it appears to be rubbed almost all the way through. This leak has been there for quite a while, but recently got a bit worse, so it was time to crawl around and find out where the issue was. I was hoping it would just be a loose connection. So much for that theory. I do hold 100psi, although the compressor does run more to keep it there than it used to. I can't afford to get it into the shop at the moment, but I do have a couple of places to bring it in the near future that are within 10 miles of home. First, is it safe to assume that as long as I'm holding 100psi in the tank, that my brakes will work? Does that SS braided line go right into the main tank? And is that an original line? Might anyone have the Mack part number for that so I can get the part on order, or see if I can find an equivalent? I assume that if the line blows out, I'll know it, because the hiss would become a gush, and it would be obvious that I'd lost pressure. If that happens, I'm also assuming that the Maxi-brake would kick in. It would no doubt be an unpleasant stop, but I just want to make sure that that is also a correct assumption. Just want to make sure that my assumptions aren't off base, and that I'm not completely crazy to keep driving it with the leak as it is.... Mike air leak 071617.docx
  12. Received this request through the B-Model Registry site. Thought I'd put it here to see if anyone can help him out.... Name: Dave Moeser Email: Moeser.dave@yahoo.ca Phone: 14166767464 Message: I am looking for anyone's help in locating B77 hood badging I have spent months and can't find them anywhere can someone there help. Thanks Mike
  13. Looks an awful lot like the E3 Farrar that I used to drive back in the day.....
  14. It was a great show! Mack was well represented with over 35 trucks there. I got pics of most of them. If you want to take a peek, follow this link: http://www.mackb-modelregistry.com/CT-ATHS-2017 Tried putting a couple of them here, but keep getting errors. I'll try to remember to try again later....
  15. That's awesome!! Brought a tear or two to my eyes as well....
  16. My B85 has an electric pump retrofitted in. Just don't get one with too much pressure. When I got my B85, it ran like crap, and it turned out that when the FD put in the electric pump, it was rated for 9psi, and the carb in mine is rated for 3psi. Once I put a pressure regulator on mine and got it down to the 3-4psi range, it worked great. No more flooding, coughing, and black smoke!
  17. That's a sweet rig!
  18. I'm afraid that one's going to be a bit out of my price range. Plus, I don't have inside storage for it, and it looks like it deserves that. I'm hoping to eventually run across a relatively inexpensive single-axle B61 dump that's in good enough shape to drive, but not so good that I'll feel horribly guilty about it sitting in the driveway.....
  19. That's my dream truck!! Hope it goes to a good home.....
  20. Oooohh....... Wish I had some spare cash, time, and space at the moment. https://worcester.craigslist.org/cto/6131426299.html
  21. Hmmm....... He has a lot of nice rigs! I wish he listed prices, though.
  22. Ooohhh...... That's nice! What type of number do you think they'd be asking for something like that?
  23. I believe this is owned by Al Tocci in OK. If you check his Facebook page, there is a video of a huge Autocar tractor running in his garage, and you can catch enough of a glimpse of the truck next to it to be pretty sure that it's this rig. The video is dated in 2015, so if he doesn't still have it, he did up until that point.... www.facebook.com/albert.tocci
  24. Stopped to catch a pic of a handful of dogs that I pass on the way to work every day in Westerly. Nice looking trucks.....
  25. Ooohh, those are nice! I assume it's probably hard to find one of those in roadworthy condition.....
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