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Everything posted by Mack58B42

  1. 3 times?!? I guess I should be glad I only had one appendix!!
  2. Thanks hicrop! I hate to have to ask, but I'm in an unusually tight spot financially at the moment. Should resolve itself in a few months, but have to be careful for now. I'm just about to head out the door for a meeting, but I'll PM you when I get back later. Thanks again! Mike
  3. Thanks! Slowly, but surely, getting better....
  4. As I noted in my B-model registry comments, I'll be glad to create/maintain a similar record for any of the Macks, and certainly, I'm assuming that many L owners would like to see a list as well. It does seem odd that one did not exist before, but people interested in B-models do seem to be a bit more passionate in general than do L owners, so that might explain it :-) Unless someone(s) wants to pony up the $125/year it will take to have a separate website for that, I will create an L registry sheet, and will maintain it on the B-Model registry web site, and just give it it's own page. At some point, when Google picks up the site, it should also pick up the fact that it has an L registry as well as a B registry. But right now the site is so new, that doing a Google search still doesn't even turn up a hit for the B-Model registry site.... So by this evening, I will add that page, and, again, if someone is up for fronting the $125, I'll gladly create a separate L-Model Registry web site so that it can stand on its own. But currently, I'm only working half-time due to a slowdown at work, am out for two weeks after just having surgery, and I'm afraid to see what my deductible is going to be for the surgery and hospital stay.... So normally, I'd just eat that like I did for the B-Model, but i have to watch my spending for a bit at the moment.... Mike
  5. Thanks. Still rather sore, but fortunately we got it just before it ruptured. THAT would have been nasty, and I'm told would have required a week-long hospital stay. I was actually going to put off going to the doctor's for another day, but I gave my friend, who lives next door, a call to get his opinion, and it turned out that his father-in-law, a retired ER doctor, just happened to be there swapping vehicles for the day. So he stopped in and made the not-so-subtle suggestion that he thought it was my appendix and that I needed to get to the ER right away. Sure enough, the CAT scan confirmed it, and I was in surgery 2 hours later. So it was a very fortuitous visit on his part, because I wouldn't have bothered him at home, and would probably still be in the hospital now. Anyway, I'm told that by next weekend it should all just be a distant memory.....
  6. Sorry it took me a couple days to get back to you - had an emergency appendectomy Wednesday evening! Sure, I'm fine with all the publicity the list can get. There have got to be thousands of B-models still out there, and it would be nice to capture as many of them as we can on the list.... Mike
  7. Nice save! I like the Coke machine too... If you'd like me to add your truck to the B-Model registry, where we try to keep track of the ones still around, feel free to send me your s/n and any info you're up for sharing about the truck, or you can check out the data form at http://www.mackb-modelregistry.com/ Mike
  8. All, I posted this in the Antique/Classic section, but I'll put it here just to make sure you catch it.... After working at a feverish pace for a few weeks, fortified by lots of caffeine and Ben & Jerry's, I have finished converting the old macksrus pdf B-Model Registry back into Excel. You can find it posted in its entirety at http://www.mackb-modelregistry.com/. If you have a B-model and would like to update your info, including adding pictures and other information, please send in your data. If you were never on the registry, and would like to be, same deal - send me your info, and you'll likely be added within 24 hours. Or if you see a truck on there and know that the info is bad or outdated, let me know, and I can at least add a note to those vehicles, even if we don't quite know who the current owner is. Looks like some of these trucks were added almost 20 years ago, and I'm sure that there have been a lot of ownership changes in that time. The next step is to try to figure out how to get the word out to other people and places that this is available. If you belong to other groups that you know that have B-model owners, it'd be great if you could forward the link to them. As Spring approaches, I'm also hoping that you guys that are able to get to all the shows around the country/world will become B-Model reporters, and send me pics of the trucks and data plates that you run into so we can load them. That's all the info we need to confirm that a truck is still out there, even if we don't know who the owner is or any other data. Or if you're really into helping the list grow, you could print off a few of the data load sheets, bring them with you to shows, and encourage those other B-Model owners to send in the info. I'll also post a link in the BMT Wiki. If memory space is an issue here, at least if someone is searching in the Wiki for the registry, they can get the link to the website. I hope you all enjoy taking a peek at it, and I hope that over time, it can truly become a resource for those trying to track down B-Models, whether they are on the road, or just "retired" in a field somewhere, or to know that a particular unit has been scrapped.... And if this garners interest, I'm game for doing the same for some of the other collectible Mack models as well. Mike
  9. All, After working at a feverish pace for a few weeks, fortified by lots of caffeine and Ben & Jerry's, I have finished converting the old macksrus pdf B-Model Registry back into Excel. You can find it posted in its entirety at http://www.mackb-modelregistry.com/. If you have a B-model and would like to update your info, including adding pictures and other information, please send in your data. If you were never on the registry, and would like to be, same deal - send me your info, and you'll likely be added within 24 hours. Or if you see a truck on there and know that the info is bad or outdated, let me know, and I can at least add a note to those vehicles, even if we don't quite know who the current owner is. Looks like some of these trucks were added almost 20 years ago, and I'm sure that there have been a lot of ownership changes in that time. The next step is to try to figure out how to get the word out to other people and places that this is available. If you belong to other groups that you know that have B-model owners, it'd be great if you could forward the link to them. As Spring approaches, I'm also hoping that you guys that are able to get to all the shows around the country/world will become B-Model reporters, and send me pics of the trucks and data plates that you run into so we can load them. That's all the info we need to confirm that a truck is still out there, even if we don't know who the owner is or any other data. Or if you're really into helping the list grow, you could print off a few of the data load sheets, bring them with you to shows, and encourage those other B-Model owners to send in the info. I'll also post a link in the BMT Wiki. If memory space is an issue here, at least if someone is searching in the Wiki for the registry, they can get the link to the website. I hope you all enjoy taking a peek at it, and I hope that over time, it can truly become a resource for those trying to track down B-Models, whether they are on the road, or just "retired" in a field somewhere, or to know that a particular unit has been scrapped.... And if this garners interest, I'm game for doing the same for some of the other collectible Mack models as well. Mike
  10. Looks like an excellent retirement home!
  11. Well, now that I just finished saying it should be free for a bit longer, I discovered that while, yes, my file is way under the total storage limit, I'm still limited to the individual file size I can load, and that was 5MB, which I hit yesterday. So I upgraded for a fee so I can upload a much larger file. It also let's me use a custom domain. The old one should still direct to this, but the primary site location will now be http://www.mackb-modelregistry.com Hopefully, this will get picked up by Google and the other search engines before too long so that if anyone does do a search particularly for the B-Model Registry, they'll get directed to the site.
  12. I looked far and wide for a ladder for my ALF a couple years ago, but everything I found was a million miles away, and shipping a full-size ladder generally cost a lot more than the ladder itself. It's good that you found one within driving distance..... Fortunately, my current rig came with a nice wooden ladder, so at least that won't be an issue.
  13. Nice rig! Looks better as a single axle than I thought that a B80 would.....
  14. Nice! I've got to get on the ball and start finding some tools for my truck. Fortunately, I have a shallow hose bed, and I had snagged some retired 3" and 1.5" from my department, but I don't have any tools, nozzles, or appliances at all. Hopefully in the spring I can start looking for some swap meets to start finding that sort of stuff. Did that ladder come with a couple of people to help you lift it?!?!
  15. Thanks hicrop - no expenses yet, just a lot of time sitting at the computer transferring data. For now, the website is free, as it maintains the yola name as a form of advertising. I get a certain amount of storage for free, but it doesn't look like we'll get anywhere close to the limit with the registry(ies). The only down side is that I don't think that the web crawlers (like Google) pick up these sponsored sights, so at some point, if enough of us decide that we'd like this registry to be searchable on Google to hopefully attract those looking for B-model info but aren't on BMT, and some people want to chip in, we could look at upgrading to an actual domain name. Yola would still host it, but their name would drop out of the site name. Looks like that's only $6.95/month, so it wouldn't take much.... But let's get it done first, lol. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that I'll have it done my the end of the month. I think I'm more than halfway at this point.... Mike
  16. Glad to! I just published an updated version a few minutes ago, and you're on it... Thanks!
  17. So, I checked that out. It seems the generic program isn't nearly as user-friendly as the Adobe. I could fix the number fields, but any field that required numbers and letters were still a problem. So in the meantime, I've replaced it with a Word document that should be easy to add the data to.... Again, thank for pointing that out grayhair.... Mike
  18. Thanks for letting me know - I'll check on that.... I semi-tested it before I posted, but not every field, and I also used a "generic" pdf program and not Adobe, as you can't buy Adobe on CD anymore and have to do a subscription. For the 1 or 2 forms a year that I do, I'm not going to buy a $25/month subscription to their cloud version. This was my first time with the generic. Maybe I have to set the fields for digits up a certain way..... You can also just feel free to pop your data into an e-mail and send it to me that way. It's jeeprider01@yahoo.com Thanks! Mike
  19. Thanks! I'm making fairly good progress, and it's moving along a bit more quickly that I originally thought it might. What version of the list do you have? The latest I could get my hands on was 2007, but I understand that the last update may have been around 2012. If what you have is later than 2007, if you could send it to me, I'll add what was put in after 2007 to the new list.... You could e-mail it to me at jeeprider01@yahoo.com. If you only have a hard copy, PM me, and I'll get you my address and will send a few bucks to cover postage.... Mike P.S.: Can I assume your rigs are on the list already?
  20. Looks like the 3rd generation is carrying on. Here's their current web address. No pics, though..... http://www.aiudiconstruction.com/
  21. :-) I was hoping I'd be able to find it already in spreadsheet format, but no such luck! No matter - you're right, now I have something do on all the cold, dark nights that will be coming up over the next few months!
  22. So here's the latest update.... I have a hard copy of the list as of 2007. I've begun to cross it into a new spreadsheet (there are about 2000 trucks listed, so it will take a bit of time. I'm going in order by model number), and I've posted it on a dedicated website that anyone can access. It's a free site for now, so I don't know if the web crawlers will pick it up right away (or if at all). We'll see how much interest it gets from people here, and I may upgrade it later, but for now, if you know of or belong to other forums who might be interested in knowing of its existence, please feel free to post the link. I will work on it as I have time, and I suspect it will be 2-4 months before the bulk of it is loaded and up to date. In addition to the spreadsheet , I've put a truck info sheet on the site. If you have a truck you'd like to add, please fill in the form and send it to me (or just e-mail me all the info - just thought the form might make it easier). You'll also notice that the original data is a bit skimpy. So if you're on the list and would like to add more info about your truck, or pictures, please feel free to send me that info. Since the list is in spreadsheet form, I can also modify it to reflect any type or amount of info, so if you'd like fields for other things, like, say, if the engine has been updated, we can add that at any time. One thing I'll do to encourage future continuity is to leave it in spreadsheet form, so you should be able to download the registry to your computer from the site at any time, offering a couple benefits: 1. You can then sort and manipulate the data any way you'd like, depending on what you're looking for. 2. If I get hit by a bus (or, if it has to be that way - a nice Superliner!), or something else happens and I can't do it anymore and the website disappears, there should be any number of people who will have a somewhat recent copy downloaded who could pick up the ball and run with it or pass it on to someone else who will. So - check out the site, even though it's in the very early stages, and let me know what you think. And pass the word to anyone you know that has a B-Model. And if you see one for sale somewhere, and they list the VIN or S/N, feel free to send me the link and I'll add it. Even if we never see the truck again, we'll know when it was last spotted 'in the wild'. (I'll also include trucks that we know have been scrapped, if the S/N is known....) Here's the link: macktruckregistries.yolasite.com Thanks! Mike
  23. Thanks. I sent Fuzzy Buzzard a PM to see if he has the list and is willing to send it to me to post on its own website (which I already have set up - just need the sheet....) Barry - I saw a thread that notes that a copy of that may have ended up in your hands at some point, but I'm not sure how far back that was relative to when it would have been updated last.... Mike
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