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About a5redwing

  • Birthday 07/05/1979


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    Arcadia, LA

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  1. Crossing my fingers when I say this, I THINK it's fixed. Replacing the air intake temp. sensor again seems to have fixed it. No noises, issues, or codes. Guess the first new sensor was bad. Hard to believe a bad senor could reek that much havoc, but I won't question it. Just happy it's "fixed".
  2. A pop every second or so, sounding like it was coming out the intake.
  3. I forgot to mention when code is active truck makes full boost, and a lot of the boost pressure flutter goes away.
  4. Well the problem more or less just went away.?. All the money I threw at it did nothing. I kept running it and one morning I had a 2-3 code show up (intake air temp sensor). Stayed on all day that day with no other problem other than fan runs nonstop. Code comes on erratically sometimes all day sometime not at all, mostly on and off during the day. Since it has been doing this no miss or backfire. I have a new sensor in it and I'm going to get another in case that's the problem.
  5. Awesome tractor, Dad still has his '76 running strong.
  6. Name: CH 613 Date Added: Owner: a5redwing a5redwing
  7. Thanks, I just added a gauge and couldn't find that info anywhere.
  8. Can anyone tell me what boost presure I should see on a 1998 355/380.
  9. Your right, nothing makes you feel much worse than doing all you can and still have the problem.
  10. Are you sure it is a 2-2, and if it is there maybe wires going to the intake that are for a sensor. I know my truck has a lot of extra wires and harnesses so check for open wires shorting out. My book says it is a bap sensor too.
  11. Well put a gauge on today and ran it empty. I weigh 29,000 lbs empty and got 20 lbs boost. Can anyone give me an idea of what pressures I should be seeing empty or loaded?
  12. Could be worn cam, valves and springs, or injector. Start by blowing out your rad. and see what happens.
  13. Wow, no takers? I think I fixed the problem though. Went in for a leaky injector and found a broke spring on a unit pump.
  14. I haul logs with my 1998 ch 355/380 (last six 107636), and here about a month ago I was loaded in the mid afternoon and the temp was in the mid 90s. Out of nowhere I started to hear a popping and surge in RPMs (about 50 to 100). I've heard this noise before, it sounded like it was firing back out the intake. The water temp had been running warm around 200 the motor derated and struggled. I got to a small town and slowed down trying to find a place to pull over, got stopped looked and listened around got back in and it went away. Next day loaded midafternoon samething. This went on for two weeks so I put it in the shop. First checked the computer, replaced air intake temp sensor and both engine position sensors. Next ran the rack on it, some of the valves were a little tight. Mech. said your fixed and I left. So the next day same thing and still running a little hot, ran it for a while took it to a different shop. Ran the rack again checked the cam kept it for a week and said "I don't know". Ran it for another week and put it back in the shop. Two rebuilt heads, new thermostat, checked cam AGAIN a few other odds and ends and "your fixed". Guess what, it aint. I took it home and cleaned out the rad., intercooler and condensor. The next day it ran cooler, had more power, and did not make the noise again until I ran it hard and came into a mill and lugged it a little and POP. It had gotten where it did it all the time loaded rarely empty and once cool nothing. Now it does it after running down the Hwy. and going back through the gears with temp 180-+. Out 5k not including down time this sucks.
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