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Everything posted by ekennedy21

  1. if it is a mack AB it has been highly customized over the years. That is not a stock mack hood or radiator shell
  2. It all gets down to what the state you are running in allows per axle. Most states you are limited to 22k per axle (as long as it's rated for it) A few states Ma, Ri, Ny( NYC and Long Island) and Nj deviate from that a little. Ma and Ri allow 73k on 3 axles and Ny and Nj allow 70k on 3. This means that a lot of thes 3 axle trucks up here are spec'd with 18 or 20k fronts and 58k rears. This is when the tires become the weak link in the chain. On 58 rears you have an individual axle rating of 28k instead of the standard 22k. In order for the four tires on the axle to cover the capacity of the axle you need the 11.00r24 tires. On the front to cover the 20k with 2 tires they need to be 12.00r24. Now you wouldn't use these tires if you didn't have the heavy set up and are allowed to run the weight because the weigh a lot more and cost quite a bit more. Not to mention reduced fuel economy.
  3. To me it has to be that the rim is crooked and that's what is causing it to bind. In your picture it looks way further in on the top then the bottom. It is important to push in with your foot on the bottom when you slide the tire in. It shouldn't be loose by any means but at the same time it shouldn't be to tight until it runs up on the wedges on the back of the spoke.
  4. I would buy the b87 if your not intrested
  5. I believe the ac would have 74 hp. It probably wouldn't get going fast enough to worry about stopping.
  6. the last 6 of the vin doesn't tell the model of the truck and every different model could a truck with the same last six. Normally they ask for the last 6 with the model number or the whole vin.
  7. not sure where you are located, but there is a gentleman in Basking Ridge, NJ named Gary Mahan that would have everything you need.
  8. I would be surprised if I ever got mine up to 20mph! Its being restored now, maybe I will have a little more faith when it comes back with the brakes working properly and everything. Its got pneumatic tires but its a 29 and I am not sure that it has the new style brakes. Its a 29. When i sent it to Matt Pfahl the foot brake wasn't working, just the lever.
  9. 50 mph in an AC sounds scary!
  10. seems unlikely to me, the picture appears to have what is now the Mack museum in Allentown in the background. It doesn't seem likely that a brand new truck made in Mexico would find its way to Allentown.
  11. Also most of the e7 superline rd were 12 speed. The 15 speed was popular with the e9
  12. Same pump, different injectors and turbo I believe. The pump just gets adjusted. I believe the e7 mechanical can go all the way to 454.
  13. Truck is owned a man named John McGeoghan. He owned a trash company in the area until he sold out to allied waste 2 years ago. John thinks that the truck is worth a fortune. Unfortunately the truck has been in its current spot for so long that it is pretty rotted and not worth restoring.
  14. Gary has an FJ that looks very similar, but it is mixer number 28 not 36 and it has a rectangular water tank versus a cylindrical one.
  15. the body is to close to the cab to be hook lift.....
  16. Internal parts can most likely be wire brushed or soda blasted to clean them up. Unless they were subjected to the elements outside or standing water inside I bet it would just be a little surface rust.
  17. I am guessing that it's because the owner of the truck added the vertical grill trim that kind of makes it look like a ford
  18. I saw the truck there. Lots like a nice solid project
  19. And further more, he reaches out to me periodically to alert me to trucks I may be interested in.
  20. I think that as stated above, you are mistaking if you consider his demeanor arrogant. We are speaking of a man who allows people into his private shrine, climbs over piles of unobtainable parts to find us fellow collectors parts that we would otherwise be screwed without. Keep in mind he is in his seventies and is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He isn't doing this for money, he is doing it to genuinely help people. After you get what you came for, he gives you a tour of the most extensive collection of Mack trucks in the world, and usually brings you down to Basking Ridge center to take you out to lunch. He has taken the time not only to show me his collection, but also to see his other business ventures. To me, this isn't arrogance, it is enlightenment.
  21. I can vouch for you on the FH, he didn't seem to want my money.....
  22. I believe Gary Mahan has the only FC, so one. Chris Berry has everything but...
  23. I think thats easier said then done. FG, FN are tricky. FK is almost impossible, FKSW is impossible, FC is impossible, And I hear FCSW can be done.
  24. F Models are and expensive hobby
  25. Its just a guess, but I think that truck is the FJ That Chris Berry has had Matt Pfahl working on since about September to get into working order. If I am right, that means its a 180hp cummins and my guess would be around $125,000 to $150,000 on the value. Maybe more.
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