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  1. Supplee bros had a few shafts and said thry replaced a bunch over the years from same thing but unfortunately no match. Have a couple machine shops that can do it, now just trying to get one to get it done in a couple weeks for about $1000.
  2. Waterous actually said this was fairly common caused by having parking brake on or trying to get truck over a curb or similar. They actually even had records that my pump shaft had already been replaced once in 1979 while still in service. In later years the trans and shaft were redesigned offering more strength but in this era the shafts just weren't strong enough to handle the power of the 707 cu in thermodyne engine. That's why they recommended converting trans and have the parts needed for that if I want to spend several thousand dollars.
  3. This is what it looks like, for sale on ebay, just not the right one
  4. See attached specs from Waterous. Yeah, shaft / gear, the one of the truck is all twisted and broken up. Finally found a machine shop to do it for $1300 but they need 8 weeks.... Another said they'd do it in a week, for $14,000, that one was a good laugh. Closest pump / transfer case I found several hundred miles away and a whole lot of uncertainty. Still goose chasing while trying to figure out if I can just run a small custom drive shaft temporarily to swap out later. Waterous 70375.pdf
  5. Thought I'd provide an update. Tracked down a few Macks with pumps, one from ebay winshield rig, two from D&D ('55, '64 & a '65) also talked to Cal Little and several others. Nothing short of great people all trying to help but unfortunately no match. Haven't heard back from ttttrucks, even tried dialing a Canada # from a post of his but not him. Also still trying to get in touch with the '61 Mack on ebay but won't return calls. Waiting on several custom gear manufactures for quotes, only one I got back wants $8k. Appreciate all the advice, we'll see what happens but looking like I might have to bypass pump and go with a custom driveshaft to at least get back on the road.
  6. Thanks, I sent ttttrucks a message yesterday, but can't hurt to post on the thread as well
  7. Ttttrucks - I sent you a message as well, any chance you still have the pump? Looking for a pump trans shaft for a 1962 B85 (Waterous pump)
  8. very common in Pierce as well from what I hear, but about 30 calls & emails in, no luck yet. Have a few gear manufactures quoting as well. Who is Cal Little though?
  9. Broken pump trans output shaft. Waterous unfortunately doesn't have the part nor cast to make one. Have specs and part # 70375. Anyone have any idea to try to track one down or s machine shop that could make one?
  10. Pump is turning
  11. Levers do move, turns an arm on top of transfer case. When truck is running and in neutral I pushed lever in and can feel gears slowing down then lock in. Front driveshaft stops like it's in drive but then truck still not moving. I have a buddy coming by on Monday to help me look at driveshafts while truck is in gear.
  12. Thanks for the responses, been a great help but still not moving. Kids all around it so very well could have been the overide, but either way I'm not getting it in drive gear it seems. Can feel it going into gear and front driveshaft stops in idle but still can't get truck to move. Hit in with hammer to make sure in, again same. Seems stuck between road and pump maybe? Tried toggling electric switch in cab and overide to see if I can get a response but same. The overide does seem to be moving an arm on the transfer case, so possibly an internal issue with the transfer case? I did let out the clutch in gear with parking break on for a split second last time I parked it. Could I have busted something in the transfer case? Also I just have the electric switch in cab and the overide lever just below and to the right of the pump panel. Couldn't find a 2nd lever that is connected? Is there more to the switch between drive and pump than the arm on top of the transfer case?
  13. 1962 Mack B85F Fire Truck, when in gear not engaging rear drive shaft. Can shift through gears and feel the gears turning. Driveshaft from main transmission to the pump transmission spinning when in gear and neutral (stops when clutch engaged), but no movement on rear driveshaft from pump transmission to rear axle. Have toggled switch for pump, hear the click but not sure if that's the issue. Or possibly hand brake behind pump transmission might be culprit. Looking for any ideas on where to start.
  14. Rectifier lighting up the engine bay with sparks like it's the 4th of July. Anyone know where I can get a new one or if/how to repair?
  15. Crap, positive ground has to be correct. Just put new batteries in and I had cables off and old batteries out but I swore positves were hooked up to ground after following cables to the frame... I'll swap and see what alternators doing. That leads me back to starter issue then. Truck wasn't turning over, pulled starter and worked on a bench test with 12v, put starter back in and started without issue. I thought maybe that had to do with cables possibly being reversed but I guess that wasn't it. Again, any advice fir a rookie greatly appreciated
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