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10-4 Challenger. Back a month or so ago, I replaced that Diff sensor. One of the first suspects. Ive pulled those hoses, AND disconnected from the plugs, and blown air thru them. It passes thru no problem, but I always wonder if theres a little rock, or piece of debris in there that lets the air go thru, but still throw the pressure enough to kick it into regen. I have heard it happens at VERY little pressure difference. Im putting things back together today, My egr cooler was taken down to a local shop to be cleaned, and they just called and said its ready. I just dont have the space or tools to do it myself. I have a brand new pipe going on behind the injector, new exhaust gaskets all the way back to the DPF, 7th injector cleaned again, and new gasket/seal. Nothing really stood out, other than that pipe being completely destroyed. I cant believe transport Equip in Missoula replaced my flex pipe, directly behind this one, and never noticed it was rotted through, but hey, It was wrapped in heat tape. One other glaringly odd thing I found,....... Mack Techs encouraged to chime in, PLEASE. Below My DPF filter, in the bottom piece of that assembly, There is a hole. If you drop the WHOLE DPF, top piece, catalyst, filter, and bottom piece, and set it on the ground there is a plate/bracket welded to the bottom, that keeps it from just wobbling over on its side. Well, when we got it off, I noticed soot coming out of under that plate. And after looking inside, there IS a hole going thru it. I believe, it may have had a plug? or been epoxied over? Kinda like a relief valve in case Backpressure gets to high? Am I way off base, or did someone just drill a hole in the thing somewhere down the road? TEC has had this thing in, and all taken apart, when they cleaned my filter, and they never said anything about it, But it does seem like I saw it once, and it had some kinda brownish gunk in it. I dont know, maybe its supposed to be there, to drain liquid, but it HAS to affect the pressure in the bottom half of the assembly. Fingers crossed,.. Ill be firing it up in a few hours.
Thanks for the info Macktech. I have spent the whole day tearing it apart. So far, I have a couple suspects. The wrapped pipe behind the 7th injector IS in fact rusted thru. Im headed to Portland tomorrow for a new one. I dont know much about the EGR cooler, but I did pull the hose off of the outlet end, and it dumped soot on the ground. It seems packed full. Havent gotten back to the EGR yet. Also pulled the Filter assembly all apart again. Catalyst and Filter look clean as could be, and as white as a new one. Even though this is a DPF code, and initially seemed the issue, Its obvious the system is cleaning itself fine. Pressure issues and leaks, and hopefully maybe EGR system needs a good cleaning? Hopefully NOT anything more, like fuel injector issues. This whole time, it has never sputtered or hard started, or even run rough, So im hopeing An In Depth and thorough cleaning andtightening, buttoning up exhaust leaks is gonna do it. I could probably take my hand and crush that second pipe. I wanna thank everyone for the insight, Ill keep you posted as to how this turns out...
Terrible day, I can barely get down the road. Im just trying to limp home up the 5. Constant regen's, and the system wont clean itself, Ive pulled over for 3 parked regens, and the light just comes back on as soon as Im on the road. 2 new codes today though MID 128 PSID 47 FMI 12 Aftertreatment Hydrocarbon doser clogged/ or DPF catalyst clogged/ damaged. AND MID 128 PPID 326 High Soot level I dont have a doser, so the catalyst must be the problem, but like Ive said.. IT, and the filter have been cleaned twice in the last 2 months. So much white smoke today I got hit up on the Radio and told my trailer was on fire.
Wait! thats not the MOST frustrating thing.. I did pay cash for a 2 year/ 200,000 mile 3rd party warranty, too. So far, nothing has been covered,. Engine, Transmission, Turbo, and differentials only. NO DPF or exhaust coverage at all. What a NOOB I am, I probably deserve this.....
I tend to agree bbigrig. Even if it wasnt properly regening that stuff out, I think just the fact that it is starting on a passive regen every 80 miles or so indicates a fueling or air problem. I got a wild hair this morning during my pretrip and pulled the intake to the turbo off, just to look for oil or coolant, any signs there, and nothing. Its clean as a whistle. Im seriously considering the EGR, although it seems like if that thing was stuck, or loaded up with soot and getting a bad sensor reading, I would have seen some sort of EGR code by now. The only code I ever get is soot level. But like I stated,.. Ive had this filter cleaned twice,..it reads great. After a regen, or service regen, it reads normally. The MOST frustrating part of this is, I drove the truck for a month, after buying it, with no issues, and ONE call for a parked regen. In the second month (end of June) they increased, maybe one a week- 10 days. Mid july, I got 2 regen lights in the same week, and I immediately figured I had better have it cleaned, since I dont know when the last time it was done. It has been in constant regen ever since. Worst mistake I ever made, was trying to do a little PM. I would gladly go back to 2 parked regens a week. Of course, what ever has gone out, was probably going out anyway, and im sure I was on the brink of this the whole time.
I should note, The smoke is white, with a blueish tint. And its thick,.. I watch it fall in my rearview like rain on the pavement. I DO monitor my coolant and oil a couple times a day, and there are no losses or gains. NO contamination that I can detect in either. Im at my wits end, but I have 3 things in the back of my mind. First, I havent done the EGR, so maybe that needs replaced, or removed and cleaned? Second, I had it down in Tupelo MS, and those guys were convinced it was exhast related. They replaced my flex pipe, but I believe there is a leak between the injecor housing piece, and the piece thats wrapped in heat tape. I also believe the last time I had the filter removed, they didnt get it set very well where the 4" comes into the top of the DPF system. I can see some soot lines up there. SO, im gonna go down the exhaust and replace all seals and maybe some clamps from the Injector to the DPF system. Going thru the exhaust would be a cheap and easy next move, But also, these regens are SO regular and calculated, I just cant believe its pressure related. And last,Injectors pushing too much fuel? Like a cracked tip? Thats kinda why I originally posted here, was hoping BBigRig could tell me what his did when he had that happen.
Refined,..In retrospect, i wish I would have went that route from the git go. But believe me, If I knew then what I know now. Ive just wanted it fixed, and everytime I stop, and put it in the shop I fall farther behind. I do run California alot, So I am hesitant to delete it, but at this point, Yes, I could have saved myself, alot of headaches. My 7th injector? I dont "think" it has a purge. 2 coolant lines, and an electrical wire going to, plus the fuel. I was in a Watkins shop in LA, and the mechanics pulled it and cleaned in August. They ran a test when they reinstalled it with PTT and it passed. Then TEC in Vegas told me it was bad a couple days later and replaced it. It definitely looks like a different type, like they put an upgraded one on? Like I said , Ive only had the truck a couple months, but that first injector had been written on 08/14 So, it wasnt even a year old. I was pretty "heated" about it, because they just did it without even talking to me. I went into regen at Primm, and pulled over and called them. They told me to bring it back and they would "start from scratch" but Ive had it with them. Never again will I go to these places that treat me like im an idiot. Or better yet, They treat me like im a fleet truck, and they can just throw parts at my truck without asking me if I can even pay for it first! LOL '
I should say, after reading my post, I meant no offense to any Mack/Volvo Tech's. I know there are good ones out there, I just seem to have had a very unlucky couple of months, and my frustration level is through the roof.
bbigrig, I have many questions about cracked injector tips. I am beginning to believe my DPF problems are coming from that, since I have replaced almost every element of the DPF system. I go into passive regen every 70-80 miles like clockwork. Then it goes to manual regen needed, then to urgent, then disspears and runs great for 70 more. It doesnt matter if I pull over for a parked regen, or just drive through it, same results, same cycle. Been to TEC in vegas, la mirada, eugene oregon, and portland. Been to Transport Equip in Missoula, Tri-State in Tupelo MS. Ive had it in 4 independant shops,also. Ive cleaned the filter twice, replaced dpf seals 3 times. 2 new clamps. cleaned 7th injector, then replaced 7th injector. Replaced flex pipe. Replaced all temp sensors on dpf. replaced diff pressure sensor. Replaced one sensor on aftertreatment fuel pressure valve, then told I should have done the whole thing, so thats new too. EGR diff pressure sensor removed and cleaned. Over 10,000$ in two months.Ironically, only about 3000$ in parts, labor is whats killing me. Almost every shop ive been into has thrown a new part on it, ran 3 or 4 service regens until they get the numbers looking good, and taken my money. 80 miles down the road Im back in regen. Smoke is getting worse, its whitish blue. Not a true indicator of excessive fuel, but the way the truck acts is like that filter is getting Soaked, to the point of plugged while regening, until I get to that 3rd stage,.. The URGENT stage, then all that smoke gets forced thru and im clean again. And, Ive also dropped from a steady 7-7.5 mpg to under 6mpg in the last 3 or 4 weeks. Since Transport in Missoula ran 4 back to back regens and had my truck boiling in the sun. At that point they replaced the aftertreatment fuel pressure sensor. I replaced the entire valve a couple days later. After 2 regens, with PTT on it, im showing under 10% soot rate. But when i first hook to it, it usually reads 144%. Unfortunately, Im getting better at reading PTT than alot of the Techs ive had work on it. They seem to like to just push that button (service regen)and walk away. None have ever actually stayed there and "monitored" anything. Any symptoms sound familiar? Any help would be greatly appreciated,... Im about to default my loan and lose this truck. I cant run like this, and these shops have exhausted all of my reserves with "uneduacated guesses". Wow, sorry. Maybe I should have started my own thread!
Hi All! Barry Wilson, from Oregon. Im really excited to find this forum as I have owned my Pinnacle (CXU613) for about four months, and have had some very "trying" times so far. Im sure i'll have a chance to get into that down the road. Anyway, I currently pull OTR for Watkins and Shepard. Drove for them about 18 months in a company truck, and now Im "living the dream", in my own! Hahahaha! I wont get into all of my problems with dealerships and my truck in this intro, but I am interested in meeting people that have owned or serviced MP8's. I am also ordering PTT, and when it arrives I may have need of assistance as well. DPF, EGR problems galore, but I AM very happy with my truck overall. I got it cheap, and it had been neglected, so I understand I have my work cut out for me, but I make strides every month, and ill have her runnin like a top in no time. I understand with the right setup, this engine can be a Beast. Fingers crossed. Look forward to pickin everyones brains for info, and ill do what I can to share my experiences as I go along!
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