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Diesel Duke

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Everything posted by Diesel Duke

  1. Did you ever locate a truck?
  2. Over the years of my B61 sitting I’ve misplaced the paperwork that came with my wiring harness. I’ve contacted the son at Top-O-Hill, he checked for me to see if there was any paperwork left. None left. Anyone have that paperwork to sell or copy and share? Thanks
  3. That is looking real good! I noticed the other day Chet got a 5th wheel on his U model. Keep up the good work. Mike
  4. Looks good Vinny! Have fun truckin' tomorrow.
  5. Was at the Iowa 80 show and saw your Superdog Mike, I like it. Took the little single stack bunk off mine to put on the twin stacks. I did pick up a sleeper like yours in Vermont a couple of years ago but will need to stretch the truck someday. Look forward to seeing pics from the old threshers show. We have a similar show this weekend at The St. Lawrence Power and Equipment Museum where we just had our show. Will try to get some pics and post them.
  6. I've seen pics of the B42. It was on a safety recognition plaque photo arangement. Francis' daughter Marcy has that. I have a picture of the B77 when it was red with an A model Mack on his trailer. Seems like he said the farm he got the A model at the wife wasn't as easily convinced as the husband that the truck should be sold! Seems like there was mention of a shotgun! Francis got the truck though. Mike
  7. Mike, I believe the B77 is at a truck museum in New Mexico. It isn't in the museum though it is/was being used as the guy's hauler. It went out there green and white and last I heard was quite faded. I think near Rio Rancho. A Stewart pick up of Francis' is there in the museum. Still has the Walsh Trucking Services decals on the doors I think.
  8. Well we won't be back to Madrid until 2014. You'll certainly be ready by then. Maybe get Chet there next time and park you guys together. Be nice to see you there with a truck. You are the next generation of truck collectors.
  9. When does the cab get set on? Will it be ready for Macungie next spring?
  10. Yup you got it. Some time I would like to restore a U model to the DeLuxe Van Line colors. Have to look up some old pics but red and white were the colors. Up here at least they ran almost all Macks. B models in the 50's. They did have a GMC 9500 in 1976 pulling a pup trailer painted up for the Bi-Centennial.
  11. Al was a good guy. Liked horses and listening to old truck driving songs by the Willis Brothers, Dave Dudley, Red Steagal and others from the 50"s. I still have a lot of them. Fun to remember listening to them with Al. Al really liked Macks. Always said his U model was a Mack with a porch on the side.
  12. I've met Reggie, but didn't know that's who he drove for. The guy I'm talking about is Al Havington. He and Francis Walsh were best friends growing up in Massena on Talcott Street. Oddly enough Al never drove full time for Francis. He drove most of his career as the DeLuxe Van Lines local driver in Massena. Al passed away the year after Francis did. Mike
  13. The Dodge to the best of my knowledge started life at the Philadelphia, NY Volunteer Fire Dept.
  14. Chet's last name is Tyndal. He is a retired highway super from Madrid. Go to www.justahobby.zenfolio.com and our photographer has pics from the show. Anyone can order from her at this site if you want. Can't reproduce them though. The big yellow REO of George Tackaberry's came from Canton at the St. Lawrence County Highway Dept. Was their lowboy tractor until about 10 yrs ago.
  15. Yeah that's me. Sometime might run into you at Doug's. The Dodge is a fun little truck. It's an ex fire truck tanker. It was the last truck Francis Walsh restored, so I dedicated it in his name.
  16. Believe it or not a farmer friend of mine gave me that name. Then on top of that I'm friends with Doug! Go figure. The B42 was converted to a 673 and the guy wants to sell it.
  17. Hey Umodelnut, Glad you liked the Superdog. Not slow enough though! Heard about your U model through Doug. Glad to see you are gaining on your restoration. A good friend of mine drove for DeLuxe Van Lines in Massena. Anyone remember that company? He drove local and had a U model like Chet's, the one you saw on 310 near the show. Too bad I didn't get to meet you. Another show sometime.
  18. I've got a few. Came out of some 1950s B 61s that I bought. Previous owner took them out when the trucks were new and put them in the shop. The condition is good original with no rips. b61macks@yahoo.com Mike
  19. June 13-14, 2008 The 28th Annual ATCA Antique Truck Show and Flea Market at Macungie Memorial Park, Macungie, PA (near Allentown). Feature trucks this year are H-I-J trucks. For more information get a copy of Double Clutch Magazine, or call the ATCA Office located in The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles at 610-367-2567, or e-mail at office@antiquetruckclubofamerica.org, or go to the website at www.antiquetruckclubofamerica.org. Bring your truck and have a great weekend with some old friends and meet some new ones too! For Flea Market Registration contact Al Whitcomb, 309 Euclid Avenue, Ambler, PA 19002 or call 215-643-3517. Craft spaces contact Flossie, 103 Skyline Lane, Duncannon, PA 17020 or call 717-834-5088. Truck Show Registrations contact Mike Caskinette, 4165 State Highway 310, Norfolk, NY 13667 or call 315-705-4420 or e-mail b61macks@yahoo.com. New this year is the ATCA Family Reunion, for info contact Terry or Janice Rubendall at 610-589-4667 @ home or cell @ 484-824-8023 or e-mail bigbrownmule@verizon.net.
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