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Everything posted by CapitalR

  1. Hey there everyone. My name is John with Capital Reman Exchange. Happy to be a part of the forum! We are a small remanufacturing facility in Denver, CO doing medium and heavy duty engines and parts. Got 13 guys now and having a blast building engines. We also do reman parts such as cams and lifters, cranks, heads, blocks, rocker assemblies, rods and OEM and aftermarket parts. We specialize in Mack E6, E7 and E-Tech engines, mostly long-blocks or R&R. It's harder to compete with CAT, Cummins and Detroit guys. What are some good things and pitfalls you've seen with Mack Rebuilds you guys have done? What can be done better? Looking forward to participating in the forum and learning feedback from the community. www.capitalremanexchange.com Cheers, John
  2. We specialize in E6, E7 and E-Tech rebuilds; mostly long blocks. What type of parts are you looking for? We run a small machine shop in Denver called Capital Reman Exchange. http://www.capitalremanexchange.com/ John
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