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Super Duty John

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  1. I had to get used to free play and a clutch again today
  2. We ended up putting in a new clutch brake and clutch, I haven't received the bill yet but he said it was just under $2K and he did other work like: new rear brakes and removed the fuel heater next to the saddle tank.
  3. One of the worst roads in America! I used to haul there in a roll off Autocar back in the 80's, many times I thought I lost a box!
  4. I lived in Stuart for 10 years, I love Stuart!
  5. Thank you, I'm originally from NJ but I've lived in Florida for almost 20 years.
  6. No plow came with it but it was a PA Turnpike Authority truck, the truck dealer had about 6 of them and this one had the least rust, almost none except for normal Northeast salt rust pattern. The others were covered with rust and some were 2005's. Mine appeared to not have plowed much and hauled asphalt in the summer and it's still stuck in the aluminum body, the badly rusted ones had spotless dump bodies and did tons of plowing. One of the great things it came with is a central lubrication (Vogel) pump and everything that has a grease fitting is greased for the entire life. I did keep the spreader box and it had stone chips and I suspect the used the truck for oiling and chipping too. It also had a Calcium tank with a hydraulic pump.
  7. I found it on line and flew up to Port Jervis, NY to buy it and then drove it home. Here it is on the truck dealers you tube and I'll have more in a few days. I took all the snow plow and salter stuff off and it now has perfect rims and tires. It's going in for a clutch, rear brakes and a new windshield on Thursday. I'll use it to haul our small excavation equipment and 5-8 yard loads of what ever we need delivered to small jobs. It already made 10 loads last week. You Tube:
  8. No, the cap seems fine.
  9. A friend of mine told me today his Mack (1998 CH Dump) has a wait period similar to glow plugs on his truck and the truck will not fire up quickly if you don't wait for the diagnostic lights to go out, I just tried this and it started real quick after waiting for the lights to go out. I feel like a Homer Simpson moment and: Doh....! Has anyone else had this expearience?
  10. Vero Beach, FL
  11. Truck goes in on Tuesday for the Clutch, I'm going to have them check the check valve and fuel heater for leaks. The truck actually started right up this morning in like a crank and a half! What the hell! Then, shut it down 3 hours later and start up and a huge long crank to fire, and when it does, it's perfect!
  12. Yeah, no shit! She and Bill are now worth more than Romney in their "Foundation", and are both lying scumbags.
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