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Everything posted by medicpelle

  1. What's the reasoning behind not allowing a drop axle?
  2. Any update?
  3. coolant, rotate the pic 90 degrees to the right. Drivers side behind the forward intake.
  4. While trying to make progress today on the B I noticed a small leak coming from the housing (red paint) pictured below where the copper pipe inserts. I'm assuming its a compression fitting or is the pipe threaded? What is the best way to tackle this... Remove both or just one intake? Should I remove the front or rear housing first? It looks like no matter which way I approach it I'm gonna be fighting the other end. Sorry I don't know why its loading upside down.
  5. Purchased and received the after market cab lights for my B from Watts. Has anyone used these? Does the pad just mount to the cab? My originals had a base as well as a pad.
  6. If you have the ability to fix it right pull the trigger if not pass it on to someone that can.
  7. I have a good used set.Will post pics later today
  8. One of my favorites! Very clean and love the colors!
  9. That 576 is a beast!
  10. Nice find! How did you find out about it?
  11. Love that 33' BG! Would love to see one in person.
  12. Well whatever this kids are getting paid its way too much!
  13. Here is one that happens today. Wife was on town and I text her get me 7 gallons of 50/50 mix antifreeze. I get a text saying they don't have it. Call her ummm what? He ask me what it was for so I told him a Mack and he told me that don't carry anything like that... Ok dear put him on the phone. " This Matt" yeah bro you don't have 50/50 premixed? "Yeah we do but not for a Mack" What?? Ok bro get her 7 gallons of the stuff you do sell and quit thinking... Bye! I mean really I could not make this shit up if I tried.
  14. Yeah Willie I have seen some boobies on there before
  15. I'm with you Willie Dog. Thank goodness for the Internet. Funny I just thought it had porn on it for all those years.
  16. I live in a small town and we have NAPA, AZone, and O'Reilly's. I think the combined IQ between the three is room temp at best when it comes to anything before 1990. If they can't pull it up in the computer then I'm wasting my time.
  17. Unfortunately I live in a small town where my counter guys are morons. I was gonna take it up to Fleetpride next week if I couldn't find anything online.
  18. The heater control valve on my 673 is frozen. Anyone know a current part number or a current version that will work in place of this one? Tried searching the net but have not found anything yet.
  19. Man that sucks, hope you are healthy cause in the end that's what truly matters.
  20. Don't feel bad brother, I'm always asking questions then realize how stupid I am after I get the answer.
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