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  1. Have a 2013 CXU 613 with MP8 that won't regen. Code is for NOX levels too high. Truck is at the dealer and they told me the fuel valve for 7th injector was not shutting off and fuel was constantly being injected, so it was replaced without solving problem. Regen temps are reversed to what they should be and forced regen won't complete. I was told they made an inquiry with Mack and it was suggested that it may be that injectors are over fueling causing the problem. I was also told by dealer that they have no way to test injectors for this issue. Truck has 830 K kms and 14,500 for hours. Is there a way to do some more indepth diagnosis without just throwing parts at problem. I know there are some Mack technicians on here and if they would shed some light on this, I would be grateful. Thanks from UNDERdawg.
  2. Thanks Challenger.
  3. Another question about same 2000 CH 613! Where do I find ABS module? Thanks for help!
  4. Thanks for reply Swishy! I'll check out your suggestion.
  5. Thanks Wilbur! Solenoids do click when power applied but I'll try waiting next time with it running. Thanks to all for replies.
  6. Both solenoids click when power run direct to them. Applied power to solenoids at idle but got no brake response. Engine has 29 psi at idle and 57 psi at 1200 rpm at operating temp. Any way to test o-rings at solenoids? Still trying to diagnose. Thanks for help.
  7. Thanks for quick reply. There is a little more to the story, former owner of truck was having stated issue and instead of finding problem he wired jakes directly to dash switch. He had to manually turn jakes off when he wanted to power on again but that didn't happen always when it should have and he damaged pin actuator on number one cylinder. Truck came here with rattle in engine. Trying now to get jake working as it's supposed to. Both cut wires are visible in harness but have no power coming through either with system on( key on and or engine running). There is power at disable relay, dash switch and at clutch switch. Again thanks for any and all help.
  8. I am working on a 2000 CH 613 with Etech 460. Jake is coming on at idle and stalling engine. So far I have checked dash switch and clutch pedal switch and they both are operating as they should. What could be the trouble? Appreciate any help as I've limited knowledge in this area. Thanks!
  9. I have a 09/99 CH 600 with E7-460. Truck serial is 121030. Can someone tell me what engine torque is currently and if the 460 XT file is available yet? Thank you!
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