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  1. So here is the results !! Someone who owned the truck before me put a new clutch in and changed the flywheel put one in that did not have the timing slots in it and it could not pic up timing at the flywheel only at the TEM sensor, changed flywheel to one with timing notches on it PROBLEM SOLVED !!
  2. now they tell me that the flywheel has no marks in it for the flywheel sensor to read and they think that is most of the problem, They say it needs two references to properly time the motor flywheel and sensor on the fuel pump?? And yes there is a new econo advance on the motor.
  3. TEM sensor changed not it ! if they put 12 volts direst to econo advance it cleans up and runs good but still shows 31 degrees advance on idle and they have checked wires from ECM to econo adv and are good, ECM is also good ???? The dealer is stumped !!
  4. they have changed the econo advance not it the total event module not it the ECM not it the hose to econo advance not it now they want to pull injectors out and test them AND IF THEY ARE GOOD THE WANT TO TAKE THE EXHAUST MANIFOLD OFF TO SEE WHAT CYLINDERS ARE SMOKING ??? help please !!!
  5. yes the engine light comes on after starting and running for about five seconds, then it starts to run badly and white smoke.
  6. scanned it and it has 31 deg on timming on idle, changed flywheel sensor that code has poped up did not solve next they want to change the ocono ?? something sensor ?? it is white smoke and does not do it on idle as soon as you rev up starts smoking and has a miss.
  7. I have an E 7 400 that on idle does not smoke at all, as soon as I rev it up it smokes like crazy and bobles flutters and pops once and a while (no power) any ideas !! ???
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