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Everything posted by 1963B81sx

  1. Thanks for the replies, will give both ideas a try. rod
  2. Hi, Any help would be appreciated, thanks, Rod
  3. Is that grill insert made of plastic or metal? Have seen plastic ones on ebay. Grill looks nice. thanks
  4. Manders Diesel has an E9 for sale. Parts guy says its a good runner. $6500 plus core. Manders is located just south of Minneapolis on I35.
  5. REI in Chicago has good stock of NOS parts for obsolete compressors. 800-489-9860
  6. Thanks for the nice comments. The front rims are 11 x 15, same size that a lot of jd4020s used. Like the wider three rib tire and the belt from our club's sawmill will still clear the inside of the tire. The original front tires were 7.50 x 18. Took a while to locate the rear tires, they are old and the rubber is very hard. The shoulders of the short cleats bite hard when pulling a sled.
  7. Their name is Rebuilders Enterprises Inc., or REI. Phone number is 800-489-9860.
  8. When I bought mine the air compressor was worn out. Came across a company in Chicago that had a lot of NOS parts for obsolete compressors. They rebuilt it for $300, return freight included. It has worked well ever since.
  9. Thanks for the help with the photos. Merry Christmas
  10. OK, will try it. Thanks
  11. If anybody can shed any light on the what I am doing wrong on the photos it would be much appreciated. These are loading from my Iphone 6.
  12. Here is a picture of my 1959 JD830.
  13. Only have the tractor, no scraper or dump body attachment. Bought it to take to antique tractor shows and tractor pulls. As far as being similar to a JD 840, not really. The JD 840 was a beefed-up JD 830 ag tractor. The DW10 has an up-rated version of the same engine in a D6-9u dozer, 115hp 6 cylinder, vs the 2 cylinder diesel in the 840. The DW10 has air brakes just like a truck, except they can be applied independently to the LR or RR wheel to help in tight turns and control differential slip.
  14. Sorry for the learning curve with the pictures
  15. Have owned this tractor for 8 years. Its been to many antique tractor shows. Lots of room on the deck for giving rides.
  16. Was a fire tank/pumping unit. Antique tractor hauler now. EM6275L and T2070 with 44000 camelback. Hope it enjoys its retirement.
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