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1979 R685/Pierce

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  • Location
    New England

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    Fire Apparatus, Mack R, F and CF Models. Pierce Fire Apparatus. Photography. Motorcycles
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1979 R685/Pierce's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. This truck was originally in service in Northampton, MA
  2. What part of the prep is key? It looks pretty simple. Any recommendations?
  3. I have an R model fire truck that is generally in good shape. There is some rust on the chassis and other underbody components. Has anyone used the rust encapsulating products like those sold by Eastwood. Do they do a good job of stopping the rust? My plan was to use this material then touch up the paint and follow it up with Waxoyl. What have other people done to preserve and freshen up under their trucks? It is a fire truck so access is limited to a lot of the chassis and it will all have to be done from underneath on a creeper. Any advice is appreciated.
  4. Do you have any R Model interior parts (upholstery/seats?)
  5. Would you sell the upholstery pieces? What kind of condition is it in?
  6. 1987 Marmon 57p with Pierce pumper tanker body. Refurbished in 2011. Still in active service. A beautiful truck and one of a kind!
  7. This trucks replacement was in the 2016 Pierce calendar. I believe it was Miss May.
  8. This is mine. It is in very good condition. It was not a forced retirement, just time to be replaced with a truck with an automatic transmission. R685, 5 Speed Maxitorque. The truck was too nice and I had to preserve it.
  9. I missed this. If these are still available I am interested.
  10. Wanted-R Model tan vinyl door panels, both sides, preferably with arm rests.
  11. Caption and credit is incorrect on this photo. This is its current configuration. Caption and content info is for older image also in album,
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