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Everything posted by jcalesan

  1. FOR SALE: (5) 2013 CXU Mack 70" sleeper tractors.. Mileage range between 450 and 500K. MP8 445/1760, Eaton 18210 10speed. Meritor 40K rears, Aluminum Wheels, chrome drop down visor, viper red, All units are matched, All have been maintained at a higher level then standard fleet specs. Some units are still operational so mileage may vary. 48,000.00 each. discounts for multiple units. call 814-467-8706 x 225 for additional details and photo requests.
  2. FOR SALE by Owner : (8) 2013 CXU613 Sleepers. 70 inch bunks, MP8 445-1760, Eaton 18210, Meritor Rears. Mileage 450K to 490K. Nice fleet trucks that have been very well maintained. Priced low to mid 40's Call 1-888-339-6691 x 225 to inquire or set up an appointment. Replacements arriving over the next month. Most are still on the road.
  3. Why is the author of this so excited about Scania on a mack site. They might build an ergonomically comfortable truck but Scania engineers are the ones who designed and engineered the boat anchors known as Maxxforce engines as well as the new international engine. Comfort on the side of the road because of numerous breakdowns is really important. An old mack or freightliner with wind whistling thru the cab going up and down the road is still better then the nicest truck in a dealers garage.
  4. many things come into play when designing an interior. I prefer to drive one our cxu macks over a freightliner cascadia but that is my preference. the mack seat and wheel position just fit better. the visibilty in a mack for me is good but i can also appreciate the scenic view from a freightliner or a volvo. a mass produced truck has to be designed for X? percentage of people. favoring one brand over another is like favoring ford over chevy. the real thing is safety, engine platform, drive train, then driver comfort and technology. Mack and volvo both suffer from unreliable engine platforms and that is why the loose market share. most drivers would tolerate less comfort in exchange for more relaibilty. most company owners would as well. ergonomics are not very important when sitting on the side of the road. ergonomics and creature comforts are only taken into account out when reliability is not an issue. I believe that some of the truck manufacturers have lost sight of this basic concept.
  5. I can only tell you our experience is that the position of the AMT switches are fine.. the real question is why would they need to be closer then switches used more often like wipers or lighting. The basic idea of an AMT is not to have a need to manually do anything. having said that, the integration of the AMT buttons had to be installed into a cab and interior that hasn't changed much. the MV AMT doesn't require any attention. it really is push and go. Every driver that we took out of a standard said that they were going to quit. None did and we never had anyone switch back to standard. they just are that good. So the need for the switches to be close is a non-issue. I suspect when mack finally redesigns the cab and interior, they will study each control and position it for maximum utilization.
  6. if the truck won't complete a forced regen, then most likely the problem is in front of the dpf can. it could be the fuel dozer but not probable. I suspect that it will be cups and/or injectors. the mechanics will almost always overlook it and try to change sensors and everything else but ultimately it will be injectors. injectors won't throw a code but they will make every thing else code. have them test for air in the return lines. it's a quick test that takes less than an hour. good luck and I look forward to follow up.
  7. MV might be calling it common rail but the only thing common is the new engine still uses IU'S to make the fuel pressure off the cam. So here is the details that I know. The new mp8 will have 3 IU'S making the fuel pressure and 3 non pressure injectors tied to the pump injectors. No real change in the cups or the base platform. The fuel pressure has been dropped to 25000. some changes made to the cam and rockers. overall. much of the new engine is just a sales pitch. MV has never figured out their issues with injectors and cups and is still clueless. it's a shame. good luck to anyone who buys one. no more MV for me. MV won't stand up for their products even when it is clear that the injector/cup issue is a rampant problem on any truck.
  8. I looked at a 2008 chu for a spare and a mack service manager told me to stay away from anything 2007 to 2010 even if it's cheap.
  9. miles were only 385k. and it's in 2013. no broken springs. just can't figure this one out.
  10. I recently had a 2013 mp8 with 385k miles drop a valve on#6. no over-speed, no signs of driver error. tore up the head, liner and turbo so far. any insight as to why would be helpful.
  11. Awesome truck. Classy and simple.
  12. I think and hope it will be a big improvment. It is my understanding that it is to be released in 2017.
  13. Aways do the cups as well. And they will almost always be bad. I think the proper name for the tool required to set the cups is a "SWEDGE TOOL" and it is specific to the injector cup. McMahon in Nashville is good. Legacy in Somerset and Bedford pa are really good. Any of the rr locations in oh are good. M&k in Michigan are ok but are a bit high for labor. Susquehanna near Williamsport pa are good. And yes the inectors will need programmed. Como rail in 2017. Can't wait till 18 when they finally get the bugs worked out.,I'm placing my order now.. lol
  14. The mack rears are private label meritor. But the top loaders are cool. Whatever it takes to get the gold dog.
  15. Careful means" get it fixed before it leaves you sit" tow charges are expensive and leaves you vulnerable to over the road repairs that are never done right. If you can't trust your dealer, I would suggest you find one that you can. I would not recommend anyone do their own on a blog. Everyone's skills are different. I can say that we have a dealer do all of ours. If the truck is out of warranty, mack or volvo dealers can do them. If you need a good dealer. I can recommend serval in different regions. Also, if you become a polite pest and as the regional service rep to get involved, he can offer some assistance depending on the situation.
  16. Sorry to say but the miss will get progressively worse and it will happen quickly. Be careful when it becomes a full blown miss between 12 and 1400. You will also start to experience extremely hard starting. It is also much cheaper in the long run to do all 6. If you dont, you will be opening it up again in another couple months. Make sure they also adjust the valves when they reassemble. The test for bad injectors is pretty simple, the tech will check for air returning out of the head.
  17. The MP8 and D13 are identical except for paint, intake manifold logo, and valve cover. I haven't found an engine or m drive tranny part that is not completely interchangeable. Cabs and body are the only real difference. Mack does still hold a higher trade value over the volvo. And mack is just a better looking truck. So for this discussion " looks are everything" and "looks are the only thing"
  18. I'm new to the forum but extremely knowledgeable about the injectors and cups. Especially on 2011 models to current with MP8 /D13. I have 38 pinnacles. There is no cure for the problem. There have only been very minor attempts at improvements. . The problem is really not copper or stainless or even installation. Most MV techs and service managers know the problem exists but no one including the engineers have a good handle on the reason for failure. MV has blamed the problem on everything from dirt getting in the tanks thru uncovered tank vents to fuel and fuel pressure related to the current emissions requirements. There has been 10 releases of updated injectors claiming that the newest injector and cup is the cure but ultimately it's not. The only protection for the one truck owner or a fleet is to spend the money and buy an extended warranty.if your hard to start, have a cut out miss between 12 and 1400 rpm's,and no codes, it's injectors...... other than injectors,minor VGT turbo calibration issues and some other PITA sensors, the trucks are good. Now the good news. MV is releasing a common rail fuel system in 2017 ( not model year 2017).
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