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Mike Blais

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Everything posted by Mike Blais

  1. I took this picture at a small local gathering in 2005. I think its a 1957 B 21. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong!
  2. What he said. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
  3. Truck 35 looks to be a 4WD. I notice truck 102, a Ford LTS is yellow early on, then is painted green later.
  4. I wonder if any of the forum members went to the Palazzi auction or bought any of the trucks. I see the founder recently passed away and Ritchie Bros. now owns the property.
  5. Just doing some poking around and found this. The Rockport Mack is owned by my friend who sold me the truck I have. His wife is from Rockport, I think he has two of their trucks, plus an L model engine. He's a long time member of the Westbrook Ct. department. One of his trucks is in the pic I took of our old Ladder 1. I wish I could hear about the fire engine shows befor they happen, not after!
  6. Building I-91 in Fairlee in late 1970. I think Polazzi was from out of state, so technically not a Vermont Mack.
  7. There's a marvelous new invention, it's called a camera!!
  8. Ex Plymouth Rock tractor. My friend still has it.
  9. From the 2015 ATCA Western Mass. chapter show, ex-St. Johnsbury yard horse. Is (was?) for sale.
  10. Multiple cameras, LOL.
  11. Can it be made public who bought the Worcester Mack truck?
  12. Andy Leider is a collector in New York. He has 400 trucks all under cover. I have corresponded with him about the truck, and have an open invitation to come visit anytime. He has several trucks from Vermont there. I'm surprised you have not been there yet. Maybe we could plan a joint visit. http://fdnytrucks.com/files/html/otherstates/Privately%20Owned/Leider%20Collection.htm
  13. Wow, that was quick! That truck is now part of the Leider collection, with my trucks' bell probably still on it.
  14. Beautiful rig, I hope someone has kept it looking that good.
  15. This bell was on my brand X truck before being put on the one pictured. Can someone identify the brand or tell me where I can get one like it?
  16. Late to the party, as usual. Got the first complimentary issue and promptly sent in my subscription. Now we just need a publication for antique snow plows!
  17. Close enough that I could check it out for someone. The Diamond T in the background caught my eye. http://nh.craigslist.org/cto/5215265498.html
  18. I agree 100%.
  19. Looks like a great show. Thanks so much for sharing.
  20. Just spotted this one, lots of pics: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1981-Mack-U606T-Low-Miles-Nice-Single-Axle-Daycab-Semi-Project-Truck-No-Reserve-/201166614503?forcerrptr=true&hash=item2ed676efe7&item=201166614503&pt=Commercial_Trucks#ht_6058wt_900
  21. I spent a lot of money on my old loader and I'm not using it that much. I'll try to post a link to the C/L ad. http://burlington.craigslist.org/hvo/4610713725.html
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  22. Nice pictures, I hope you were able to enjoy some fresh seafood on your trip.
  23. This one is a 'two-fer' A Diamond T 921-DF surrounded by two B models. I took the picture on 10-01-2008, I went there to look at another Diamond T. The guy was real tough to deal with. The trucks were sitting in the outdoors, rotting away from the moisture. He wanted what they would be worth if they were running, driving trucks. He died and most of his stuff went to the scrapper. I think the fire engine may have been from Woodstock, Vt. I don't know where it went.
  24. There's a nice one on C/L in northern Vermont: http://burlington.craigslist.org/hvo/4619480378.html
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