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Mike Blais

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Everything posted by Mike Blais

  1. Thanks for the info. If you can get me a phone # I'd appreciate it. I'm always looking for parts. There's a huge Michigan boneyard near Syracuse, that's a day's drive for me.
  2. From 5/03/09 at the ATCA Western Mass Chapter show. If you like Macks this is a show for you.
  3. Chuck was a great guy and one of the first friends I made when I started going to truck shows. I pulled into the show in Shrewsbury, Mass. in 2005 with my 1970 Diamond Reo and I saw this guy standing there staring at my tractor, listening to the Cummins backdrop at idle with a smile on his face. I thought "This guy is just like me". It was Chuck. He also had a nice 359 Brockway and I believe the first L model that Worcester Mack had. It is featured in the the L model photo archive. Another great guy gone way too soon.
  4. Not sure if these classify as antiques or not. These are on the side of Rt. 4 in Killington, Vt. They contract out to the town and do all the plowing at the ski area, the second highest peak in Vermont. The older one on the left has the Frink cable style wing setup. The mechanic at the shop is a real nice guy, he let me take as many pics as I wanted.
  5. Here's one more shot. Right now it's being worked on at a local shop. The engine, a Waukesha 190-6 has been totally rebuilt. We gave up trying to fix the torque converter and got a used newer type that doesn't use a sprag clutch. Hopefully they can just re seal the tranny and it will be good. Where the rear wheels pivot the bearings were totally gone, one wheel was at an angle. They have to make alot of the smaller parts, you can't find thm any where. The counterweight was hanging by two bolts. They got it off and used a 50 ton press to get the bolts out. That was expensive but I thought the machine deserves to look respectable. We're still talking about a paint job since the machine is apart, now's the time to do it.
  6. Wow - I really like the 6x6 R model IH.
  7. Close up shot of the seat. Fred has good taste.
  8. O.K. Here she is on the day I got it. Pretty rough shape, any moving parts were worn out, especially the engine.
  9. I picked up a 1959 Michigan 75 A a few years ago. I wondered if any other forum members use something like this. If there's any interest I could put up a pic or two.
  10. Great story, we have some really spry 80 plus year olds around here. I joking tell them they're not human.
  11. Here's one from a small New England show in 2005. Swing out fenders are a good feature. Appears to be the same cab as L model. Not sure on production years.
  12. Good save. Hope you got the plow with it. Somers Ct. is not too far from me. Lots of great truck folks in the area.
  13. I really like the older style dash. That would make a great St. J restoration.
  14. As far as I know they owned them but Ryder had the maintanance contract. Leroy Holding had it for awhile. They both used the shop at the plant.
  15. I drove for Garelick for 11 years out of the Rensselaer, N.Y. plant. In 1999 they bought the plant from Cumberland Farms and promptly bought a bunch of these tractors. I took alot of shots which I will ad to my gallery. This shot was taken in the yard in Vermont where I live and we parked the trucks there.
  16. The tractor is in good hands. A collector from Hackettstown, N.J. has it. He bought two of my Diamond Reos and when he told me about the short nose Autocar he just bought I said "I bet it was the one in PA". He has known of the tractor since it was new.
  17. This looks like the same tractor. I shot it at the Shrewsbury Mass. show in 8 of '05. The owner then had quite a collection of fire apparatus. He is a real nice guy (for a Mack person).
  18. I agree that is a nice one. Having grown up in the land of St. J and Holmes I've always had a love for the U model.
  19. There is a trailer on the north side of Rt. 313 in Cambridge N.Y. It has Dorn or Dorhn on the side. The only pics I've seen were in one of Ron Adams' books. A Diamond T 990 I think.
  20. Mostly original. It was a P.B. Mutrie tractor when new. Detroit 6-71, Fuller RT-915, Velvet Ride. The guy I got it from added a wet system. It's a blast to drive, the 6-71 really turns heads.
  21. Nice truck you have there. Here is my 1968 4000...
  22. I also want to thank you for restoring the tractor to the way it was. I really enjoyed the stories and pictures in both D.C. & W.O.T.
  23. As we add pics to our gallery the new ones get inserted in the beginning. I can see how to switch them around as you look at them, but it changes back. So I guess the question is: how do we get the first pic posted to always stay at the beginning with the newest always going to the end?
  24. I'm new here too, but I guess I can say welcome. It's been an interesting winter for us here in the northeast.
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