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Willie dog

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Everything posted by Willie dog

  1. Xdude, you were the kind of person I tried to get at the parts stores. I can remember one time I was putting my '60 Chevy pick up together. It's a street rod so everything was custom or from another vehicle. I was having trouble finding a u-joint that would fit. The yoke on the rearend was a different size than the driveshaft. The guy at the Big A looked at my dilemma and went, "HHHMMM. I think I know what you need. " He went into the back for a few minutes and came out with one for a four wheel drive (mine isn't ). It fit perfectly and worked. Some of those knowledgeable people are still out there.
  2. I worked on a '60 Pontiac that had them also.
  3. I meant I wouldn't want to go to a prts store and look for anything. The people who work there would just look at it with a blank stare. I however, WOULD drive it everywhere. I think those things are cool.
  4. I wouldn't even attempt to........
  5. I always say do as much or as little as you want. As long as you are happy with the results that's all that matters.
  6. Luckily for me Vlad, the frame on my b model is not rusty at all. It still shows much of it's original factory red paint.
  7. WAIT! You mean there's porn on the internet? ?!!??
  8. Nice boat, no "butts" about it!
  9. Things are a bit better since Al Gore invented the internet. If I can find a part number on something like an old grease seal or other parts I can search the web based on the manufacturer and part number. I usually have good results. I just have to wait for the big brown truck to show up after a few days.
  10. My brother was looking for a fuel pump for his 64 amc rambler. He went to an auto zone and asked for one and the counter person said, "who makes AMC.?" There are still some good parts stores and knowledgeable people who work there. You just gotta find them.
  11. All that is true, but I figured the NAPA store I went to would know what one was.
  12. How many of you on here know what a drag link socket is?? Having misplaced mine many years ago, I went to THREE different "chain" parts stores to get a new one. One guy who worked there said "what's that" after I told him what I was looking for. I described it as a socket that looks like a big straight blade screwdriver on the end. He proceeded to tell me, "we have big screwdrivers, but our brand of tools are junk. " The second place didn't know what one was either. After the third place said they don't have any, I went home and MADE ONE! True story I kid you not!
  13. I'm still fairly new to this site. So I'm guessing that none of you are fond of Volvo trucks???? Or am I missing something? 😉
  14. I was noticing the picture of the frame sections. It looks like you completely separated them from the crossmembers. My father and I did something similar on his Ford truck when we restored it. There was rust in between the crossmembers. We had to grind the rivets off and have everything blasted and the reassembled everything with grade 8 bolts. That was in 1999/2000 and it is still holding strong.
  15. I can't stop at "good enough ". I see things that no one else would notice. I even blast and paint the inside of the brake drums.
  16. On this particular b 42 the threads are all right hand.
  17. Wow Vlad. You give new meaning to the term" frame up".
  18. Great. Now that I know how to get the drum off, I have just created a little more work. Oh well. It's going down to the bare frame anyway.
  19. I learned the hard way too about left hand threads on a Road runner (I think it was) in high school auto shop. I twisted off two lugs also before I figured out why they seemed so dang tight!!
  20. Look for a tag on the passenger door and on the frame right behind the right wheel and in front of the spring hanger.
  21. I'm right smack between Harrisonburg and Winchester in Woodstock.
  22. I'm not far from Winchester VA
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