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Willie dog

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Everything posted by Willie dog

  1. Thanks bob. No point in messing around.
  2. Heated with a propane wall unit. Even in 15 degrees I run it for about an hour and have to turn it off. AC is supplied by a whole house fan mounted in the ceiling and opened windows. Thanks albert.
  3. Thanks mike. I think it will be this winter, and the next, and the next. It's a 30x32 garage. It's going to take up all the room I have. As well as the basement of the house and part of the house garage, but don't tell my wife!
  4. Here's what I've got so far. I'll be sending the cab out for blasting and start the metal work when it comes back. The.I'll tackle the frame after I remove the tank. Slow but sure is the progress.
  5. Thanks to all. I'd like to go with something that looks original. I would like to have the correct cloth cover and correct terminals. I've installed Painless harnesses in several projects and for the price you can't beat them.
  6. Has anyone out there ever used the wiring harness from watts? I am looking at getting it for my 60 b 42 model. How complete is it? Is it a decent harness? For $1800 it ought to be a good one.
  7. Has anyone out there ever used the wiring harness from watts? I was looking at it for my '60 b 42. How complete is it? Any ideas? For $1800 it ought to be a good one.
  8. Thanks 75t. The truck will be here at my place on Tuesday. Let me dig in to it and see what is what. I'm going to keep you in mind for some stuff.
  9. Thanks to all of you guys for your input and ideas.
  10. I honestly don't know what the engine number is yet. I don't have the truck in my possession until Tuesday. I just know it is a flat head straight six.
  11. I'm looking forward to picking brains of the fellows on here. No one knows ALL the answers, but ALL of us know some of the answers. Put them all together and you get a wealth of knowledge. As far as chain parts stores go, there have been many times I went behind the counter of my local one and looked up or matched up what I needed for myself. I went to a tractor dealer parts department to find a simple fuel shut off petcock. I showed it to the man behind the counter and he immediately said "I can't help you with that." To find an old timer at a parts store is a blessing. They are used to looking in the books and digging a little deeper to find what you need.
  12. Hi Greg. Thanks for your response. The engine in the b 42 runs as it is. I heard it run in the truck for about 2 minutes. I'll run a compression test and see what the bearings look like and how much sludge might be in it. It will be lucky to see 500 miles a year when it's finished. I would like to locate the external stuff, water pump, carb kit, fuel pump or diaphragm. Things of that sort.
  13. Ahhh!!! Don't say that. What might work as a re-power?
  14. Anyone know where I can get a engine rebuild kit for a 1960B42 six cylinder gas engine? I haven't torn it apart yet so I don't know what kind of machine work it may need. Just trying to get my ducks in a row first.
  15. Very cool! Love to see some pictures of your work.
  16. I'm certain I can fix the tank. Nice flat patch panels, some smaller ones too. I'll make the doors that are missing from the side boxes. I'm going to leave the tank on it for sure and possibly paint the truck in vintage Gulf oil color scheme. Thanks. I have enjoyed reading the posts on different topics and such. I've already learned a few things from other's experiences. Lots of good knowledge on here.
  17. The worst part is the tank. The side boxes are rusted and the whole rear is full of filler. Looks like they just kept backing into things and beat the snot out of the rear.
  18. Thanks Bob. It's actually pretty rough. It needs a floor pan and some fender patches. The tank is rough too. It does run though. I'm looking forward to getting into it.
  19. Hi MHfred. I'm not far from Winchester VA. About 35 minutes.
  20. Thanks RedBullDog. It has the pony motor with pull start and both engines still purr like a smokey kitten.
  21. Here is my latest project. 1952 caterpillar d2 5u. Almost done. Now I have a leak in the fuel transfer pump. Need to replace the seal and it's good to go.
  22. https://www.google.com/search?q=old+mack+tanker+truck++for+sale&biw=360&bih=351&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAmoVChMIzPC9xLvKyAIViPceCh17oAfs#imgrc=vtNDcvScadJh7M%3A I think this will get you to the video.
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