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  1. We have a 2013 mack with an mp8 and 213k on the motor that got toned and bent the frame. We also have a 2009 cxu16 with a spun bearing. Would it be possible to move the 2013 engine Into the 2009? I believe both are 445hp models. What would need to be swapped? Could we just swap the engine and move the 09 ecm on to the 2013 motor? And just reprogram the injectors?
  2. We had an 05 e7 with a no start or had a rough idle before the no start happened and we discovered the fuel line going over the motor went bad so we made all new fuel lines for them. It's hard to tell those coated lines go bad and they dry rotten and the cloth covering hides it. Then the fuel pump can't pull fuel as it's on the vacume side.
  3. I know this is kinda old but probably the air compressors. My air compressors on my e7 are noisy and clunky as hell compared to my mp8 engines.
  4. We took a computer off a 2012 and put it on the 2009 and it fired right up. So we know it's a bad ecm now.
  5. I have a 09 cxu613 that will not crank. We checked all the relays and fuses. We put a crank switch on the solenoid and the starter does turn over. I check the ignition switch and had 12 volts on all terminals. When you turn the key you can hear the relays clicking away. We hooked the truck to jpro and the engine ECU does not show. I took a gamble and replaced the chassis harness and the engine harness was replaced in 2013. The driver told me he went to start the truck and it starter for 30 second said dpf fault shut down and would not crank. I'm thinking the ecm might be bad. Anything else I can check? Im guessing a new ecm has to be programmed by the dealer like the dash? I forgot the exact codes but we had a psid 200 and psid 230. One was fmi 4 and the fmi 9 but I forgot which was wich.
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