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About Td23

  • Birthday 01/05/1993


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    Stratford, CT

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  1. 70 psi if I'm not mistake. I'm not sure if this little pressure reducing valve bolted on the side of the trans is messed up or what
  2. Regulator is hooked up right. I pulled the lines back off to see if there was any visible blockage. I just can't figure out why when I have more air in the system the shifter won't engage but when I don't even have enough air to release the parking brake, it engages fine
  3. Ive got an 88 DM688sx with a maxitorque 5 speed. Transmission has 4 hours on the rebuild with no issues until it took a few tries to get it into reverse. I'm not sure what's going on here because when there's less than 60 psi in the tanks the reverse shifter engages no problem but once the truck builds over 60lbs the shifter won't engage. I'm not sure if I should replace the valve in the shifter head or if I should pull the reverse shifter apart. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Trevor
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