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About firetrucktours

  • Birthday January 10


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    New York, NY

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    Firefighting, New York History
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  1. That's great to hear. Wow. This is the event, it is on Governors Island on Saturday, Sept. 17: http://governorsislandguide.com/blog/?event=doughboy-day-at-fort-jay PM me if you could make it and I can explain arrangements and particulars. This is tied into the nationwide WW1 commemoration. It would be very cool to have your truck on display to the public with a platoon of Doughboys with weapons to go along with it in New York Harbor. You'd be in the same spot as the actual First Army Quartermaster Corps. Governors Island is a former Army and Coast Guard base that's now a park, and 22 acres is a National Monument, which is where the event is, with the National Park Service. It's accessible by ferry from Manhattan and Brooklyn. The truck can get special permission to board. Thank you.
  2. Hello! Does anyone on the East Coast own privately a World War 1 era military Mack? I'm helping to organize a living history day in New York City in September. Thank you.
  3. Thanks for the assistance. Now I'm down to just trying to find four of these 6" molded lights, which also had rings around them and the housing. 1988.
  4. Does anyone have experience with diesel retrofits on older trucks? I am looking into retrofit for either Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), Diesel Particulate Filter (DFP) and Closed Crankcase Ventilation (CCV) units for a 1988 Mack CF600 (former FDNY pumper). I need a certificate of conformity and getting the retrofit looks possible. Right now I'm starting the research into options and best practices. There is also a program in New York State to apply for assistance. Thank you!
  5. Thanks for the great leads. Calling today. Thanks mucho.
  6. They are driving a rig from Canada to Guatemala? I hope there's a video blog of that trip. And lots of photos. Amazing journey. Good luck to that group.
  7. The rear ones I realize are fairly common parts. But I'll measure the molded front lights with the rings, I don't know dimensions. Thank you.
  8. Congratulations on that amazing rescue job. What a story. I’ve also got a former FDNY CF600, a 1988, but it had only been out of service for two months, so mice hadn’t moved in yet. Good luck with the next steps in the renovation process. I hope it’s rolling down the road soon!
  9. Hello everyone: Seeking to buy emergency lights for a 1988 Mack CF600. - Front molded lights with rings (full assembly, the lens and the rings) - Rear round emergency lights Any leads appreciated. Thank you.
  10. I'm looking for photos of the drop-down jump seats in the crew cab of a CF600-1237 or similar model. When we got our 1988, all it had were the two holes in the wall where the seats once were. Any crew cab photos appreciated. Thank you!
  11. Hello everyone: Seeking emergency lights for a 1988 Mack CF600. - Front molded lights with rings - Mars 888 light for center in nose - Rear round emergency lights Any leads appreciated. Thank you.
  12. Thanks for the intel. I am going to write to the museum today. The weight issue is a pressing issue because I need to get the temporary plates from DMV.
  13. A new question about this truck. The data plate is blank for both maximum gross weight and max gross combination weight. Nothing is filled in except VIN and model. Would you know what the weight would be? I’m worried about licensing. Again, thanks so much for helping this newbie.
  14. Super photos. Thanks for sharing. Your truck is amazing.
  15. Thank you. Yep. You know the apparatus. FDNY foam pumper retired this year. I'll check those batteries out. Thanks again. You know I'll be back with more questions.
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