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Everything posted by v8superdog

  1. Name: Mack RD688S (1995) Date Added: 28 February 2010 - 05:07 PM Owner: v8superdog Short Description: 1995 Mack 6 axle dump. aluminum J&J 20' box with a mechanical 350 with a few extra go fast goodies. Will blow the doors off a MP7 405, pass a 430hp C12 and keep up with a 460 N14. not too bad of a runner. View Vehicle
  2. i am gettin ready to buy a 1971 R700 with the twin turbo 864 V8 and I asked my dad who is an ASE master technition and has been working on nothing but Macks since 1970 about that motor and he said it was a head gasket blowin' son of a gun. He said it was because the head were not fire-ringed is the reason it blew the head gaskets so easy. I am gonna have the machine shop fire ring the heads on mine and i will probly put main girdles in it as well. hope this helps good luck
  3. hey travis, i got started on Macks when i was 8 years old. my dad owned a trucking company and i helped him work on them. welcome to Big Mack Trucks. glad to have ya on board. i am still a kid at heart even tho i am 22. If ya have any questions drop me a line. Good to see young blood in the old dog tradition. --Nick
  4. yes i have the same problem right now in my 93 CH, its the connector on the back of the whole gauge cluster panel where the wiring harness plugs in. i had fixed it to make it work cuz its rather expensive but it quit working again. hope this helps. later on
  5. i am all about long and low, oldschool, lightweight but heavy hauling dumptrucks, so i would have to see it as a daycab, with short stacks and then i could give my oppinion, but i think i would look decent. definatly different thats for damn sure.
  6. thats pretty wild you takin it down to bare frame, but if your gonna do it and you have the money you might as well do it right. glad to see your takin the time but sum bark and bite back into that bulldog
  7. i am not familiar with the Whites, but that sure is a beautiful truck. i really like that a lot, you did a fine job on the resto! I like any truck that defies aerodynamics (superliner, w900, 359/379 etc.)
  8. welcome aboard Aaron, its good to see somebody else my age on here.
  9. i would stay with that V pump if your wantin to get easy horsepower, hell put 2 or 3 rounds of fuel on it and run the governer up to 24 or 2500. i know this sounds crazy but my buddy that has 17 E-9 V8's does this kind of stuff all the time. u have to take the intake off to do this stuff tho. he uses one as his transporter for his pullin trucks and he put 3 rounds of fuel on it and ran the governer to 2500 and it runs like a striped ape. he said its puttin down around 750hp, he couldnt remember the torque from the dyno, but it smokes alot on the shifts and it get between 4.1-5.6 mpg depending on how he drives it. its been that way for about 6 years and has had no problems. good luck
  10. does the motor have the V pump on it or the inline fuel pump on it?
  11. the r model and a number of other models do that too, its to provide more room for working on the motor, says mack, kinda makes the truck unique. and your right fjh, the RD is one TOUGH model.
  12. i thought all CL's were CL7XX's, not 6XX's?
  13. if the superliner would be offered again i would buy it in a minute no doubt. it has the classic square nose long hood look, with the E6 motor it was a BREEZE to work on, with the V8 (E9) motor you had enough power to pull the world off its axis and the reliability was second to none, it was a first class truck.
  14. I love my electronic E7, eccept for the fact that i have to keep it in the rpm band for it to build boost and pull worth a damn, but also to enlighten you on the MP engine, my best friend has one that we truck with side by side everyday and i have drove his new MP7 granite and i have to say DAMN is it a pullin motor, its the 405hp and man that thing pulls from idle to 2200, we have had one complaint about the motor and its about the horrible fuel mileage ( 5.1mpg), but volvo is supposed to be doing a software flash that will fix it. dunno, well see what happens. you can definatly tell that quality is not built into the new trucks like my CH and the old R models thats for sure
  15. if you have any problem with power u can change it over to the V-pump fuel pump, when u do put 3 rounds of fuel on it and set the rpm to about 24 or 2500 and u will put down around 700 plus hp
  16. My dad has a 96 that has 454 with an 18 speed mack and 3.90 rears with 24.5lp rubber and he gets around 6.2-6.5, he runs near grossed out and runs about 70mph most of the time. hope this helps. You'll be VERY happy with that 454 motor. he has 1.3 million miles on his and is still goin strong.
  17. The owners name is JR Collins, he's a very nice guy, he lives here locally, he now has a twin charger set up, a different cam, still 998 cubic inches but its pushin right at 4500 hp now. His website is www.buckeyebulldog.com. have fun just thought i would help out. its an awsum truck to watch pull
  18. thats the most tastefully done and prolly the prettiest superdog i have ever seen. Great job
  19. thats a badd lookin superliner man. the E9 superliner II is my favorite mack of all time
  20. stay away from the E-tech engine, i have had the mehanical E7, the E7 VMAC and the ETech and i have had just about zero problems with the mechanical and VMAC motors, where as 3 outta 5 etechs needed camshafts, and a few needed new EUPS and other stuff. I like the VMAC's for fuel milage, the only drawback of the VMAC is that the power isnt instant like the old mechanicals. I have a 350 VMACK now that i have a BLIXXTON II module on that has givin me better throttle responce, more power and about the same fuel economy. I can walk all over 427s with the module turned on but i cannot touch dads 454 Vmac. I agree with gambi, a truck without a sleeper and a wetline system tends to hold its value better than on with a sleeper, especially if it has camelback suspension. Bad thing about camleback suspension is that it rides rougher than log wagon.
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