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  • Birthday 11/20/1957


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  1. I know ther is ski resorts in South east corner but I dont know how big the area is. Is it common with snow in low terrain in Winter time or is it just on the hills? I also thought ther was a lot of dirt roads in the area of mining and farming. Is that incorrect? I have also been told that the roads North from Brisbane is very rough, I know Volvo make some transmission test ther of that reason. I found Jake Brake parts to one of my Volvos in Brisbane of that reason. Stina.
  2. My Picture of Australia is a lot of dirt roads wich Went very bad and slippry when it´s raining, that must be the perfect conditions for tandem. Stina.
  3. I also have a 141 wich is in the workshop wher i work on the restauration. The big thing is the inner liner (frame) wich is damaged by rust and must changed. I own and used this truck from 1982-87 in my Company, at that time ther was just one truck so I has driven a lot in it. Before the 141 I have to 110, one LS witn nose and one LBS wich is tilt cab. I have been in US a few times on different places and also one time in Canada but just around Lake Ontario. In Ontario and Michigan I saw big trucks with 11 axles, what´s the max weight for them? I have also seen "Turnpike trains", what´s the dimensions for them? A few years ago I was invited to a merriage just outside Brampton Ontario. My friend find a nice girl ther and I Went over and visit the ceremoni. The bride had a nice red Dodge wich I buy and she get it to Sweden when she moved here. I Think next tripp over ther will be from Chicago to the Pacific coast and back to the Atlantic cost in southern Canada. I have ideas to send over the Volvo and Smart car but I Think it´s cheaper and easyer to rent a car and sleep at hotels... Picture from the workshop today and from 1987 just Before I sold the truck. And the Canadian Dodge beside a Power mill in Spain on a holiday tripp. Stina.
  4. If You work on soft dirt roads or building places I Think the tandem traction is a good choise. The only kind of trucks wher it´s common with tandem in Sweden is logging trucks, but even ther is used different system to unload the rear axle to get a better turning area. Wheelbase on our trucks is between 4,2-4,8 meter for a 6X2, we measure the wheelbas from front to traction axle. I Think we need some less space for to handle the vehicle. Stina.
  5. We use the space for Cargo! We have "snout" on some special trucks, but mostly on toys! Stina.
  6. Ok! We have I-shift on Volvo and AS-Tronic in DAF wich use ZF gearboxes. I am sure that the 6X2 solution is best in most situations, if the truck is very Heavy loaded I don´t Think the different is very big but when it´s empty or light loaded the different is dramatic. I also Think we use Moore aggresive pattern on the tires, in combination with the high axle pressure with lifted boggie it´s possible to climb steep icy uphills mostly without any problem. That´s also why the Classic 6X2 is better than a 6X2 pusher. When You lift the third axle the weight moves from ther to the traction axle, also some weight from the front axle is mooving to the traction. That gives some around 20.000 kg on the traction axle. When You lift the pusher, most of the weight goes to the traction, but some goes to the steering axle. That give something around 15.000 kg to the traction. It makes big different. Stina.
  7. What´s "AMT"? Stina.
  8. Of course ther must be a stronger frame for to handle a boggie lift. The ABS/EBS system handle the lift without any problem also the suspension and banjo, we have the same banjo and air spring either it´s 4X2 or 6X2. I read about it some time ago and I understand some brand in US sell trucks with "my koncept" today, if I understand it right the solution was to connect the third axles air spring to the EBS system. When the traction Wheel slips the system dump air from the third axle suspension, but dont lift the axle. This solution will never be succesful! If You wait until You loose the traction it´s to late, and the axle must be lifted. Before we reach an icy uphill the diff is locked and the boggielift is activated, if the truck is Heavy loaded it may not lift the axle but it just touch the ground, and we have 17.000-20.000 kg on the traction Wheel. Most of the time it´s succses. I have lots of 6X2 pusher tractors thru the year, some brand have steering pusher, some dont but all is liftable wich it must be. Pusher is a very good solution in most cases, but if we have a truck wich is working in a mountain area fex Norway the Classic 6X2 with boggielift is a better solution. We don´t get the same pressure on the traction Wheels with the pusher. The pusher solution is never used on the big trucks with box. I send a Pictures of some "box trucks", those is DAF, an Dutch brand and sister to Peterbilt and Kenworth. I have lots of them and it´s ok. Those ar 460/480 HP, 64.000 kg and single traction axle. Stina.
  9. Hej! I have a refection, if this is the wrong Place, let me know and I will be silent. Almost every truck at Your side of the water has tandem traction, often without diff lock. Almost every truck in Sweden and North Europé wher it´s Winter condition has singel axle traction and a good boggie lift and diff lock. I Think if I am behind one of Yours going uphill and You have to stop for put on chains, If I have the tires we use in Winter time I am sure it´s possible to stop and start in the same hill with the boggie lifted and diffs locked. It´s even harder to understand for the trucks wich is used in the South wher never is snow. My I have an explanation? Stina.
  10. Yes 140 was the first with V8, it come -69-70. First one or two figures in the model number is the size of the engine. Before the biggest truck was 110 wich has 11 litre in line six Engine and 260 HP. Today the system is different. The 4-axle Volvo is from -92, with a nomal sized 13,6 m trailer the max legal weight was 56.000 kg. Max load was 38.500 kg wher 12.500 was in the 3,7 meter long box at the truck. Full loaded ther was no problem with snow and ice! Doubble steering axle! Engine in the Volvo was TD 123 ES wich also was sold by Volvo in the US. Power was 405 HP. Today the max weight is 64.000 kg on normal roads, depending of the vehicle length and axel congiguration, max lenght is 24-25,25 meter depending of the trailer construktion. The Scania was from -91, it was stolen when it was six month old. The driver found his truck in Hamburg, Germany five month later, Then it has Polish license plates. This end up with that a big gang from Poland wich stole trucks and trailers was arrested. We tok the truck back to Sweden and make it useable again and give it back to the driver with his name on the persoal license plates. This Scania was a 143 with 400 HP. Scania 141 was a very good truck for its time, I have a LBS 141 in my workshop wher a slow rebild process ar going. I have also Another F12 from -90. I bought it new and I am the only owner, we use the truck in my Company for 2.300.000 km wich is very much her in Europé. Today the truck is restored and stored in a garage waiting for to be 30 years old and an "Oldtimer". At that time I will retired and take my wife and the old truck and dicover the parts of the World wher I not have been until that time. Ther is a trailer to the truck wich will be the "mobile home". This is not much Mack anymoore, but I Think it´s fun to learn what´s happen on different places, it seams that some of You Think the same. Stina.
  11. I have one of those to, but I wasn´t lucky with it. Everything broke, except for the Engine. I sold it just Before one miljon, at that time we was much Moore satisfied with the Volvos. The Volvo on the Picture we use for 1.700.000 km, I have Another one restored wich we used for 2.300.000 km with minor replacements. Today we don´t use Volvo anymoore. Stina.
  12. Thanks! Most mechanical parts is avaylable either from Scania or other suppliers, even some used parts is on the market. Some special parts come from Brazil wher they still use this old trucks. For the cabin or interior You find, nothing. Fex cylinders to the door lock You have to find old ones, restore and make useable key. I change the Engine when I restore the truck, unfortunately ther was a water leak from a cylinder lining gasket last Winter so I have to rebild the Engine. I send some Moore Pictures, from just Before sand blastering, the open Engine and one Picture from when I and my wife is out with the truck and an old Caravan. I have a special air suspended hitch from US for saving the Caravan, the truck has nearly no rear suspension. I come her because I was told that Scanias V8 Engine was equal to the Mack V8, I have read her and on other places and understand ther is no or minor parts wich is the same. I have also som old Volvos with TD122 Engines and to one of those Engines I find Equipment for mounting Jake Brake on the Engine. My idea was if it´s possible to get it on the Scania DS14 as well. I don´t Think it is! If some one know Jake parts to the Volvo TD120-123 Engine I can be interested, best is if the parts is in Australia because the trucks from ther has 24V Electric system as we have. Even parts from US is useable, I Think I can handle the Electric issue. I don´t know if it´s leagal to put up Pictures of the Volvo with in line six her, if You wan´t some, let me know. Stina.
  13. Hello! I am living in Helsinborg, Sweden wher I own a small truck Company. I also have an interest in old trucks and cars. I enter this site because I want read about the Mack-Scania cooperation about the Engines. Maybee someone enyoy a Picture of one of my old trucks? It´s a SCANIA L140 from 1973. It´s a wrecker and I bought it as scrap and rebilt it from scratch. Carl-Erik "Stina" Johnsson.
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