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  1. I checked all that after reading your thread and left you a reply on what I found, in a nutshell I found the problem in the contol panel itself, check your thread for more details. I could not get it to work with the fuse trick
  2. I have been having the same problem as you describe, it is also a '07 613. After I read your post I tore my dash out and checked the switch that you described and cleaned with contact cleaner, while this did not solve the problem, what I did find is that the on/off switch circuit for the a/c is the source of my problem, it is a printed circuit board with a couple of resisters and a timer(which is the "clicking" sound you hear) to cycle the compressor, I beleive one or more of the componants is bad or weak, although it is probably pricey I feel that the heater/ac control assembly should take care of this problem. I currently have the compressor on a switch so it works however you need to turn it off occasionaly to keep from freezing the system. I have been trying to find this problem for 2 years so I feel your pain, what i might try next time I have the truck home on a weekend I am going to try to remove the on/off switch and solider another switch and see if that takes care of it if I can't get the shop to get me a new control. GOOD LUCK!!
  3. pressure switch bypassed will check above mentioned fuses. loses power to the hot side of compressor wire. will run flawlessly for a while then just quits which is why I got it wired to a switch. Being black it gets pretty toasty in the cab Has done this since new and dealer just blows us off. Had tranny problem too and dealer said nothing was wrong till it was out of warrentee and tranny exploded. other than these issues it been a great truck, passed up a new W Star and KW to keep it. It's the truck in my avvy.
  4. checked all connections and found nothing acts like it's a relay but I can't find anything pointing to 1. none of the relays are marked for the A/C, anyone know where it's located? under the dash by controls?
  5. I have a 2007 CH600 Pinnicle and have had intermittent A/C problems, works then it doesn't I cannot find any marked relays or breakers anyone have this same issue? I currently have compressor wired to a switch but would like to get it fixed right, dealer has been no help with problem. any ideas. Thanks in advance.
  6. I have spent many hours in automatic trucks when I was in the waste buisness and find nothing wrong with them especially doing start and stop driving, properly maintained the Allisons are bullet proof, however running the highway doing heavy haul now I prefer having the ability to pick my gear as opposed to having it chosen for me. I would like to try one of the clutch pedalless transmissions though.
  7. cool project!! always thought about doing something like that to pull 5th wheel camper.can't wait to see finished!!!
  8. welcome aboard!!
  9. I am not sure but I think it's 1:1 scale
  10. Athearn offers 'B' and "R"models in a variety of configurations, pretty nicely detailed. How hard is the DCC to set up?I am getting ready to start bench work and need to replace power packs, my layouts are usually industrial trackage with lots of low speed switchingand "050" method of interchange will DCC be worth it or should I just stick with blocks and MRC pac with momemtum and brake. heading to hobby shop this weekend.
  11. I model the PC in the '70s currently I don't have pics as everything is packed up due to needing to make space in the basement for new layout. I like 1st an second generation diesels, especially ALCO, the new high tech stuff does not do any thing for me. I am on the Atlas forums, ever been on there? P.S. your layout looks nice. Rich
  12. nice looking CL, my last truck had a 60 series, which was the first 60 series that I ever drove('97 freightshaker) and I had no coplaints at all and i think it had better low end grunt than my '07 Mack with a 465
  13. what gave it away? I wanted to use RS-3 but it was taken. I collect and model in HO primarily Penn Central and live along the "Water Level" route what do you model are you on any train forums?
  14. not at this time, however I have a B model 10-wheeler in my sights and the co I work for have a bunch of older LOW milage R models that they are starting the phase out. I used to have a '64 R-185 Int that I used to haul firewood and gravel with, should have never goot rid of that truck are you a construction co or trucking co? your name is familier
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