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About nhtrucka

  • Birthday 08/14/1961


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    Old Trucks

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  1. I found a nice little Mack R model 6 wheeler for sale and it has a Scania motor in it. I don't have a clue about these things. What are the pro's and cons of the scania motor? The truck is a 1970. Thanks for any info.
  2. Yes there will be a show this year. It will be in the same place on August 23rd.
  3. I will be there for sure. It will be the last time it is held at this location.
  4. Hi Mike, Your truck looks very good. I hope to see it at some of the shows this year if I can afford to buy some diesel for my KW. Keep up the good work. Dave
  5. It was a great show. Here are a few pictures that I shot at the show.
  6. Here are a few for you....
  7. Great lookin truck. Hope to see it at some shows next season. Have a great Holiday.
  8. HK if you could post a picture of Bill's truck that would be great. I am sure it looks real nice.
  9. Ok. This is not a DM but it sure is a Beast.
  10. Wow....... Thats a fine lookin Mack
  11. He looks like a Garbage Truck driver to me........
  12. Pictures from Show.....
  13. Here is a picture from the show. I'll Post more later.
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