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Everything posted by nelm1994

  1. The yoke bolt isn't loose I checked. I had that happen two times so far. When I go to make the low to high shift I get the zzzzz when I get back into the gas peddle . To make it drop it I have to tap the gas peddle two times lightly . This started last week one to two times a day now its all day except for the first 20 mins of driving in the am.
  2. I have a 2006 713 with a 10 spd mack t310m and I am starting to have trouble going from low to high. It feels like I am not getting full air psi for the shift. Does this trans have an air filter?
  3. I replaced all 6 of mine on a 2006 ai 460 . never had anything done to the computer and have no codes.
  4. Look up area diesel services module. I put it on my ai 460 with stage 2 injectors and bigger turbo . I can hit 38 psi .
  5. You should ask the seller of the truck if you can drive it loaded . I think you will be surprised how slow it is. I wish I drove mine loaded before I bought it. I had to put about 5 thousand into the motor just to make it better but sill not great.
  6. I have a 2006 cv713 tri axle dump with an ai 460 Mack 10 spd with 4.35 gears. The ai 460 stock does not make much power and uses a lot of fuel about 4.5 mpg. The truck it self is good but that ai motor is no good. I would find something pre 2002.
  7. He told me $55000.00 or best offer last week.
  8. I have a granite with an ai 460 and would not tell you to buy . Stock mpgs where 4.30 and very low power. Had to put about 5 grand worth of parts to get mpgs up to 5.5 and better power.
  9. Try calling global truck parts in Winchester New Hampshire.
  10. The tuner is from area diesel service. I did the injectors and turbo first then the tuner. When I add the tuner is when the egts really when up fast. More power and a lot more smoke . Like a cloud of smoke when leaving from a stop. The tuner did not have any adjustments so I called area diesel to see if they could make it adjustable . They said no problem . They made up a new one that was adjustable sent it out to me and I sent the other one back. It has a 4 position switch that I keep it on # 3 best fuel mpgs for my set up. 1 is stock and 4 is the highest hp gain. They did the exchange at no additional charge and told me they wanted me to be happy with there product. I don't know what dot would say if they see it under the hood ? I was going to try to hide but never did. I was thinking of sending the ecm out to get opened up but at the time I was had a lot of work going on and didn't want to lay the truck up. I attached the in stall instructions. Check out a post from mackncheese Nov 2015 he's got a Granite with an ai 460 . He had Antrim change the turbo, bigger injectors and area diesel tuner. Antrim dynode it before and after. I think it was 490 hp to the ground after mods. I tried to copy the post and repost it here but couldn't get it to work. Talked to Brad at Rochester diesel to see if the older exhaust manifold will work with the turbo I got from him and he said yes. That's the same turbo he sells for the earlier e7. I will be changing the exhaust manifold sometime this summer after finding parts. Mack Module.pdf
  11. Well its good to see you back. I was starting to think we were getting censored by some greeney . What year truck was the exhaust manifold from and what model.
  12. Looks great ! What's the light weight .
  13. Mark pro is right on the mpgs I was getting low 4s before I upgraded to stage 2 injectors, bigger turbo, area diesel module and 5 inch exhaust . Now I get high 5s . Power is a lot better but I was expecting more from a 460.
  14. What e7 ? I have a 2006 granite with an ai 460 . If you like no power and poor mpgs this is the engine for you.
  15. Can you check if the step 12 b was done on my 2006 ai 460 #040012 Thanks Dan
  16. The injectors and turbo kit was about $3200.00. The module was $1000.00. I put about 21000 miles on it . I also put new exhaust on it 5 inch from turbo all the way thru the dual muffler stacks cost $1100 that lowered the egt some.
  17. I have a 2006 cv713 granite with ai 460, mack 10spd , and 435 gears in a tri axle dump. Same no power engine, and bad mpg. I was getting low 4 mpg on highway. Last year, I put Rochester's stage 2 injectors and their Granite turbo kit and an area diesel module in it. The results were night and day. It's like a whole new truck compared to what it was. Mpg went up to mid 5s on highway. It smokes when you are on it and I have to watch the EGT on long pulls . Hope this info helps.
  18. I have a 1988 superliner with an Oakville vin plate and it is a rw 713 . It does not have gk after the model number. How can you find out the back story on the truck.
  19. Have you tried to run bio diesel just to pass the test. I have a 2006 cv 713 ai460 and it was a dog until I put Rochester stage 2 injectors , there granite turbo upgrade and an area diesel tuner. Its a lot better but still not great. I have to watch the egt. Those up grades will not help you pass emmisions . My truck smokes under load .
  20. Anybody know where to get an ambac v pump rebuilt. Looking for someone with a good rep. Thanks Dan.
  21. Hey dog rescue I did not find one on that site.
  22. Looking for 85-91 Superliner e9 day cab, little or no rust, 18+ front, 44 + rears, double frame, prefer 12spd. Pm. me with pictures ,specs and price. Thanks Dan.
  23. my unit pumps pics I am thinking this was my vibration .
  24. I took all 6 unit pumps out today and 2 of them fell apart as they were coming out. I will be sending them out to get tested.
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