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  1. Had my first trip 2 days ago without my truck derating on me. 

    I moved the wires from engine computer going to truck computer that were going between engine and oil filters  to ouside of oil filters.

    The engine was heating up wires too much.

    1. Glb


      Can you just unplug data cable and one above it without  it resetting the computer?


  2. Just a little update if anyone is interested, Pulled a couple of loads of hay in the last week, as i said before, my truck derating me, i think it is linked to oil temp. I found when oil hit 195℉ it derates engine, the wires from engine computer runs on engine behind oil filters, it seems it is cooking wires and affecting communication between computers. So pulled wires away freengine and helped, Will keep you posted.
  3. Thanks, will post picture soon.
  4. Can anyone tell me what my oil temp should be when pulling a load ? Im getting around 210, does that sound about right ?
  5. Thanks guys, I managaed to find out it is communication between the truck computer and engine computer, but I was hoping someone might have had first hand experience with this problem and managaed to cure it, looking for hints. I really like the truck and enjoy getting into driving a big rig but just a little frustrated. Gonna start trying a few things and see what happens.
  6. Hi, owner operator of an 04 mack with 6-4 code coming up lots mainly when i'm loaded with '53 step deck of hay, pretty frustrating, looking for any tips, also pretty new driver, only a year driving my big rig, look forward to any comments. Thanks.
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