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  1. I have a 2007 Mp7 04 EPA, I replaced turbo 6 months ago, now I'm getting a 128 sid 27 fmi 7 code, code was intermittent and then all the time, truck still pulls but doesn't pull over 24 lbs of boost, started truck this morning no code.. started to get temp in turbo then code came back, at dealer getting test ran, I'm trading in truck!!! Can I pull off actuator and use penetrating oil to free it up long enough 250 miles, so I can trade it in?
  2. I need to sell asap shoot me a offer
  3. 2007 Mack CXP-613 MP-7 2 pedal Ultra shift 10speed 3:55 rears, 860000 miles new turbo, engine harness, fuel pump/power steering pump, EGR DELETE PROGRAM, clutch done at 550000 miles, has a good Dyno, and oil samples, still running truck but need to sell in next couple weeks.. $17,500 OBO call or text 715-892-3013 Thanks
  4. I have a steinbauer tuner for sale it is for a 04 EPA a MP-7 395C has a new harness for it also. It has latest software update from steinbauer, Trading truck in only reason it's for sale. Looking to get $1750 or OBO, this unit sells for around $2500 new! Call or text me at 715-892-3013 Thanks Pete
  5. Typical... looking in one area for a problem, find a fix somewhere else, problem as of now was/is data link plug had/has a short in it, looks like a whole new dash harness
  6. Having problems with shifting, I have replace all trans harnesses in cab to the truck harness, new engine harness, checked and made sure all connections on trans are clean and tight NO CODES at all in V-MAC!!!when placing truck in gear sometimes will grab gear nice and smooth other times motor picks up rpm then grabs gear? Other times truck feels like brakes are on when you start moving? I have ran power and ground direct to TCU and replaced all battery cables to starter and have cleaned and checked all firewall power and grounds, am I missing something? Has anyone else have this type of problem?
  7. Update.. i ended up taking truck to a Mack shop to replace harness and had over head run, harness was shot, cracks in wires at injectors, glad I had them do it! Truck has 840,000 on it, valves where .10ths loose, they said cam looked good, makes me happy to here that! Also new oil pan gasket done, oil pick-up tube clamp was cracked so new one will be put on, sounds like motor should be good for another 500,000 miles. I hope
  8. Ok thanks, I see oil on harness coming out of valve cover 6-8 inch, I also had oil in plugs at ecu, I cleaned ecu with electric cleaner, no test drive yet. I picked up a sporadic miss and lost boost and when I hit a bump it goes away until next bumper of coarse. So from what I have seen in other post must be what's happening. Thanks again for replying!!
  9. Just curious how big of a job on a cxp613 it is to change harness and what a new one would cost? Thanks
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