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Everything posted by drg

  1. See an odd tri drive Mack in the oil fields here in Manitoba Sk and ND.
  2. Thank you tdk1982 I think I'll phone my dealer and order one just nice to hear from someone who's used one in the real world. Power is my main problem but just kinda wondering if you've noticed any fuel milage improvment? Thanks again.
  3. Thanks for the reply Glossner8. I stopped at Mack in Fargo ND they really weren't to interested in trying to help. Really like my truck but wish Mack would resolve this ECM problem.
  4. Have you had any luck trying to get more out of your 460. Mines a real lazy dog to. Wondering about a Steinbauer module but have had no luck in trying to find anyone who's tried one on a mack.
  5. Ya I get down to the US a bit it seems we go south for a month or so then its nothing but out to Alberta. Through the years been to Long Prairie Mn , the XL plant in Omaha,Swift at Grand Island Ne,Tyson at Greely Co and the Cargill plant in Milwaukee Wi.Sometimes haul an odd load of feeder calves to Iowa and Nebraska but thats been really slow lately. Never been to Joplin but the feedlot I pull a lot for sent a bunch of tandem loads down there last summer and all we have now are the tridems.
  6. Thanks guys and yes I'm from Canada but most loads would be going or coming to the US. I'm not sure but I think with the 10.1 spread in most states you can run 20000 per axle am I right and in Canada with the axle pulled tight we can gross out at 87000 lbs so the sliding front axle should work I'm hoping. I agree with you SUPERDOG Wilson do'es make the best liners and grain trailers I'm pulling a 53 ft tri liner Wilson now but at 55 I'm finding the livestock hauling harder all the time ha ha. Thinking if I go decking I might get into a more regular sleep pattern instead of loading at 4Pm and then driving 600 miles. Thanks for the replys Dennis.
  7. Just thinking about buying a drop deck was wondering on the flatbeders oppinions whether to go 48 or 53 ft. Been looking at a new Wilson 48 ft with a slideing front axle so I guess your thoughts on what the Wilson line of combo decks are like. Thanks for all replys. Dennis
  8. Hi Bigen just a word on the different moose bumpers I've used. Had a Aliarg on my 03 Vision hit a big buck one night the bumper saved the truck but it bent the bumper up pretty bad. When I bought my Rawhide I put a herd bumper on it the herd is a lot heavier. Last winter I hit a deer real hard with my Rawhide had teeth bouncing of the windshield all it did was bend my licence plate bumper came out of it fine. Since then we've bought 2 more for the older Ch's I think I paid 3500 Cdn for the 1 on the Rawhide and 3000 Cdn for the Ch bumpers. Would not run another truck without a herd bumper hope this is of some help. Dennis
  9. Merry Christmas to one and all from Western Canada. Dennis
  10. Hello farmerbob do'nt now where your located but if you google Mack Sales and Service Manitoba they have a decent looking 2006. I'm not sure whats involved in importing a used truck into the US from Canada but should'nt be to hard. I've bought a couple of trucks off this dealership before and they've treated me fair . Hope this is of some help. Dennis
  11. Good luck out there kinda missed reading your posts. Be interesting to see how the new program works for you.
  12. So sorry you're in our thoughts and prayers.
  13. Thanks guys I was having the same problem. Dennis
  14. I like it, looks real sharp. Dennis
  15. Thank you Barry would really like to visit myself some day. Dennis
  16. Hi like the rest of you mentioned I'd be willing to pay a membership for the site. Even though I do'nt post that often ( I'm a very slow typer) I do try to check into the site regularly and would really miss the advise and humor if it was'nt here. Dennis
  17. Instead of trying to remember what we did 2 yrs ago I should have went and looked at my truck first. Went out and checked mine and there are 2 wires in the fuse panel box on the inside of cab that are labeled. We have wired into one of them to get power with the battery switch. Dennis.
  18. I'm trying to remember on mine I now I wired the under dash lights on the one with the battery. I kinda think my son did the wirering and there was a post in the fuse and breaker panel that turned of and on with the switch. On another post you had mentioned doing an upgrade on your ecm to give you more power at higher elivations just wondering if you've tryed it yet as mine runs terrible when I get into Colorado and Alberta to. Dennis
  19. Very nice sharp looking rig. Have fun with her. Dennis
  20. Hi there Mackdriver where are you based out of Brandon or the Winnipeg. I'm just west of Brdn about 50 km you may have seen my Rawhide its a 2007 model 243 wheelbase and black also. Usually pulling either a tri axel liner or a Timpte tandem hopper.
  21. Thanks for the pics I've really enjoyed them. Dennis.
  22. Thanks for the replies guys still undecided on this one. Most years would'nt worry about spending the cash but with all this rain just hate to spend and still have no income. Is it this wet right across the northern States to I've been hearing about Montana and the Dakotas being extremly wet to. Best of luck to your opperations Dennis.
  23. Hello all. We have a problem in our part of south west Manitoba - mainly way too much moisture. We grain farm, raise cattle, truck and custom silage. Usually we're dry enough the trucks can run in the fields and when its too wet we park the semi's with end dumps and use the tandems. This year is so wet I don't think the tandems even stand a chance. We are debating buying a couple of big silage trailers and pulling them with 4 wheel drive farm tractors but the trailers are 40 to 60 thousand each. Now we were thinking of trying 710/40R22.5 floatation tires on my son's 1999 Ch Mack with a 20 ft silage box. Just wondering if anybody has any experiance with that big of tires on their Macks. Any opinons would be appreciated as the tires and rims are about 15000 and don't need to make that big of a mistake. Thanks for any replies and sorry for the long post. Dennis.
  24. Not sure if this really works but at different farm shows i've asked how they get there tires so black and they say they use WD40. Might be worth a try.
  25. Even though I really like the R models and learned to drive in them I have to say my favorite's are the 1990 to 2002 Ch'S. The reason being those were the Macks that I've owned and made the most money with.
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