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  1. Jerry rigged a chain on the rear lip of the drum and connected the chain to A truck and pulled the drum off of the hub....drum was worn so bad it had a lip on the inside that was preventing shoes from sliding off easily... it seems we may have been able to jack up the drum evenly to slowly slide the drum off the lip but it would have been a delicate maneuver and with a big drum like that..but thanks for the ideas..the jack on the frame was definitely next!!
  2. No dice....
  3. thanks.....adjusters backed off...lefty loosey....but i've sledged the crap out of them and they are not budging....pipejack off frame is next....
  4. Backoff the slack adjuster.......we'll try that first then use the bottle jack frame setup.......thanks!!!! But anymore suggestions are certainly welcome!!!!!
  5. Hi....I'm helping out a friend and I'm trying to remove the front brake drum off a RD688S....airbrake released, wheel spins, but drum wont budge pass the wheel lug bolts....is the drum held on with just brake pad friction or a set of bolts on the rear? Sledge hammer doesnt work and a cant build a puller since the axle flange is rubber and doesnt seem like it'll support any pressure...thoughts if can?? Thanks so much!!!
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