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chris1953 last won the day on June 14 2021

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  • Location
    Mitchell, Manitoba

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    Truck-driver with not much time for anything else.

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  1. I saw a nice Superliner E9 with tipping grain box at auction at a farm sale the other day. I thought maybe no one would see it’s worth. Made $46,000.
  2. Update on the MACK-RV: after a Winter of storage, we are back in the woods beside the lake for the Summer. Finally gave up on poor quality solenoids for the battery isolation problems and bought a heavy duty marine battery cut-off switch; hope it lasts. New hobby is wood carving, so did a low relief one of the truck in basswood.
  3. I only turn it on when everything grinds to a halt up ahead. It sometimes helps you know what’s happening. Lots of foreign language chatter at other times up here in Canada.
  4. Just pulled the trigger on this Fire Rescue Truck and hope to do a discreet motorhome conversion on it.
  5. I have “Ziebart” stickers on my windows and little Ziebart plugs everywhere. It’s a 1989 and no rust so seems to have worked.
  6. The Mack in this photo could well been en route to Saudi Arabia. Seems to have been stopped by the Turkish police. Luckily 200 duty free Marlboro would pay most fines.
  7. Thanks for the offer of help in BC. Still in Manitoba for the Summer. I’ve taken a seasonal spot in the woods by a lake and great to be back in the truck and out of the house.
  8. The Summer of 2019 was spent back in British Columbia where the Mack now had a rear deck and awning. We were full-time living in the truck at this time and headed back to Arizona and Mexico when the weather changed. Heading as far South as Santispac before we became aware of Covid 19 and the forth-coming pandemic. We arrived back in Winnipeg at the end of March and have ben here ever since. We are waiting for a vaccination and given up on going anywhere soon. But it has given me time to post all this and i hope you enjoy the story so far. Stay safe, stay well, Happy Christmas and a better New Year.
  9. From Texas, we headed West through New Mexico, into Arizona and down into Baja California. The roads were not that good in Mexico and diesel was expensive but beer and groceries were cheap. We spent about a month south of the border before going to Quartzsite, Az, for the big RV show where we met several other Class 8 Motor Home Conversions.
  10. November 2018 and it was time to go South in order to avoid the cold Canadian winter. Straight South from Winnipeg to the Gulf Coast of Texas and Magnolia Beach before a trip to the Alamo.
  11. To help with noise suppression in the cab, I fitted some Dynamat and carpets. Then it was off to British Columbia for the Summer and the first big trip.
  12. I retired from long haul truck driving in April 2018 and things started getting done a whole lot quicker. A roof rack with 300 watts of solar power. Four big deep cell house batteries and a 2000 watt inverter were added along with new seats and steering wheel.
  13. Finally in September 2017, it was finished enough for the first camping trip.
  14. Slowly it began to come together. Not fast enough for the neighbours who thought the truck would never move again from beside the house.
  15. Finally some warmer weather and I can get on with the outside storage boxes. Fresh water and waste water tanks installed plus a place for my tools.
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