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  1. Intake is clear, hit a wall couldnt figure it out boss sent it away to the dealer. will let you know what they say
  2. also replaced fuel supply pump, had removed and inspected it and found the rotor in the pump had play and was digging into the housing. i wouldnt say that that effected anything in terms of metal possibly making its way through the filter and into the EUPs.
  3. besides this I have been all over this truck checked everything. ecm powers and grounds, fuel pressure and volume, engine position sensor ohms and air gaps, swapped in 2 different ecms, replaced engine brake control solenoids and orings, parameters all reading good on prolink no codes. as it would run long enough before now I had cracked injection lines from EUPs to see if fuel was present while running and all six were even. Note also its not blowing any excessive smoke from the exhaust.
  4. checked for voltage and unplugged them. no change
  5. i carefully installed the two new solenoids with new orings on each and seems to runs worse now. fires up and goes right to 200-300 rpm idle. no throttle response
  6. it seems like its shutting down like that yeah and its a Power Leash System. Although did get two new solenoids with orings and installed them. Still the same
  7. removed both solenoids, orings look to be in good shape. It seems the check ball at the bottom isnt fully seated you can move it up and down slightly does not seem to be stuck etc, is that normal
  8. sounds good, will look into it and let you know thank you
  9. Hey guys looking for some advise. Working on a 2006 cv-713 that has a Aset engine. Truck was driving down the road and started this out of no where.Truck fires up normal runs good for 5-10sec, then you loose all throttle response and will idle very poorly around 300-400rpm and then sputter out like its out of fuel. Will then fire up and do the same symptoms each time. Truck has no codes, perfect fuel pressure (65-70psi, even by passed fuel system to eliminated a clog), new fuel filters, seven main engine mounted sensors all reading good. have swapped out ecm for known good one from Mack Dealer, Engine Position Sensors Ohm test good, tps reading smoothly.
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