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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GA_Dave

  1. Back when I was a kid, I had a buddy whose Dad drove a black '64 T-Bird hardtop, similar to the one above. Fifty-some years later, my old buddy is a country music singer and still has his Dad's T-Bird!
  2. Happy New Year!
  3. NBC NEWS - 12/24/2021 WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden was subjected to a right-wing anti-Biden slur during a Christmas Eve call with NORAD's Santa tracker. Biden and the first lady were speaking with families around the country who had called into the North American Aerospace Defense Command to receive an update on Santa's location when one parent ended the conversation by saying: "Let’s go Brandon." The president did not appear to recognize that the phrase was a euphemism for "f--- Joe Biden," and responded: "Let’s go Brandon, I agree."
  4. Arthritis SUCKS! Can you close your hand around a Glock? Asking for a friend.......
  6. Sorry to hear you are still feeling it. I hope you recover soon. I have not been sick in many years. I do have sinus issues that have plagued me for most of my adult life. I'm also overweight, diabetic and hypertensive, which puts me in a "high risk" category to catch this crap, but, as yet, I have been just fine. If I have had it, I have been asymptomatic. I have never been tested, nor have I been vaccinated. I have been living life as usual, traveling in and out of state like I did before all this garbage began. Several family members, several former co-workers and several friends have tested positive. Some got sick, others did not. One was hospitalized, but was back to work in a few weeks. Based on what I know about this, I can offer no information nor advice, only my concern for your condition and my hope that it improves.
  7. I sense a bit of confusion between our Veterans Day and our Memorial Day. Veterans Day is to honor those who have served in our military. Memorial Day is to honor and remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our Country.
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