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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GA_Dave

  1. The other Mack is one I have posted here before, way back on March 16th, 2016. That shot was taken at it's original home in Pennsylvania. On Saturday, I photographed it again, at it's third home, Edison, GA. It was recently replaced by a newer pumper and was just sold to a collector in Florida. Glad I caught it before it went south! Engine 52, Edison, GA 1973 Mack CF685F10 1000/750 #1544 x-Berlin, GA x-West End FD, Shippensburg, PA
  2. It has been a while since my last post here, but that is because I have not photographed any more Mack fire apparatus. This past Saturday, I photographed two Mack pumpers. The first one was the first Mack MC chassis equipped with the 285 horsepower Mack diesel. At 41 years old, it is still in front line service in this rural Georgia county, but there is talk of replacing it, due to it having a standard transmission and only a couple members are able to operate it. Engine 2, Quitman County, GA 1979 Mack MC686F10 1000/750 #1001 x-Juniata Gap, PA
  3. You can't blame him, Rob. On February 16th, Joe didn't have any memory of what he did on December 21st or January 11th. Today, he has no memory of what he said on February 16th!
  4. If you paid $1500, you did a lousy job of filling out your w-4's! If you are saying your taxes increased by $1500, go back and reread my comment about the SALT cap! How many years prior to the TCJA did the rest of us subsidize your Federal taxes? I didn't need any help, so you guessed wrong. Even with the reduction, I still payed more taxes than over 50% of Americans!
  5. That's exactly what the liberal media told you to say. I'm certainly not rich, but the TCJA lowered my taxes by over $1500 each year for the past three years! You are obviously complaining about the SALT cap, but you misplace the blame. It should be directed at your state and local governments for their ridiculously high taxes. My SALT are only about one-third of the cap. As for the elimination of personal exemptions, I completely agree with it. Why should someone with numerous children get a bigger tax break than someone who doesn't have kids to claim? Why should I be taxed more?
  6. You're joking, right? In 2016, Trump told us the things he wanted to do as President. His opponent also told us what she wanted to do. She also called anyone who didn't blindly side with her "deplorable's". Yes, we all voted for President Trump. He did his best to carry out those plans, but was blocked at every point the dems could block him. They tried to impeach him before he was even sworn in. Then they spent untold taxpayer money on the whole "Russian collusion" garbage, then more on the Blasey-Ford "#METOO" nonsense. Then they wasted even more trying to impeach him and they FAILED each and every time! He fought the media's constant slanderous opinion pieces and still managed to lower our taxes, keep us out of war, secure our southern border, and appoint many fine, Constitution-loving judges. AND HE DID IT FOR FREE!
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