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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GA_Dave

  1. How many? I'm currently on #42 and #44 right now. A few were project vehicles, but most were daily drivers.
  2. Is that a hole in the fender or a hole in the photo?
  3. The quad headlights came out in 1958 and that model was produced into 1970.
  4. I see no need. The wife and I vote around 10 AM on voting day every time, It takes us ten minutes, never more than one or two others in front of us. I expect nothing different this time.
  5. You beat me to it. I grew up with one in my backyard. If I had a nickel for every one of those things I picked up as a kid, I'd be a rich man!
  6. I bought two cars during 1979, a 1964 Chrysler New Yorker, with a 413 and a push button automatic and a 1972 Chevy Kingswood Estate wagon, fake wood sides and all. My wife named the New Yorker "Oscar" and I paid $200 for it in Phenix City, AL (When I was stationed at Fort Benning, GA) and I drove it to Fort hood, TX when I got transferred there a couple months later. That fall, I bought the wagon, after the 413 started started using more oil than gas. I gave $675 for the Chevy and drove it for about 6 or 7 months when the transmission started slipping and I sold it for $350. I have no pics of either one, 'cause I never had a camera until Christmas, 1980.
  7. Back in Buffalo, we'd call this a "dusting". Here in Atlanta, they'd shut everything down and declare a State of Emergency!
  8. Not everything in the US comes on a ship. Not all cars come off a ship and the two I have will outlast his silly strike. So will the clothes I already have. Most of the malls have been closed for years. Construction delays will not make much difference in my life, I have not purchased steel nor lumber in many years. Sounds like a blowhard to me. Maybe he'll hold his breath until he gets his way!
  9. We call them Rotary Plows back home in Buffalo.
  10. Congratulations and best of luck on your future plans.
  11. The hole in the oil pan was so big you could almost fit your hand into it. All the oil was gone in seconds. I miss 10w30. I once did a transmission swap up there during the winter. I wasn't on the side of the road, but it wasn't in a garage either. It took me two days due to frequent trips inside to thaw out. I moved south not long after!
  12. I had a 307 in a '71 Suburban 4x4. For a few months. Middle of the night, in the winter, near Buffalo, going down a highway at 55, a piston broke, spun around and punched through the oil pan. I was on a highway with four foot snow banks and nowhere to pull off, so I kept it running on seven for about a half mile to a parking lot. As I pulled in, it locked up and never turned over again. Never bought another 307!
  13. And WE, The People, ARE the Militia! "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"! (Thomas Jefferson)
  14. That link has a period at the end, which makes the link not work. Remove that period and the link works just fine.
  15. Years ago, while I was working as a FF/EMT, there was a street in the city that had 4 apartment complexes, two on each side of the street, that housed hundreds of folks from a specific Southeast Asian country. Just past them, just before the dead end of the street, was one house that had been turned into a kennel. We called it "The Puppy Farm". In addition, the city's animal control officer never had any strays to pick up. I have no doubt that there is truth in Trump's story!
  16. I just had the wife answer the door wearing nothing but a 14" strap-on. They've never been back!
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