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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GA_Dave

  1. He should be deported back to wherever he came from, minus those two fingers!
  2. AMEN !!! We ARE the People! It is our inherent RIGHT, guaranteed by the US Constitution, to keep and bear arms, to ensure the security of a FREE State. Governor Abbott is currently using the National Guard to close a portion of the border, but the National Guard is part of the Federal Military and could be commandeered by Federal rule. If this happens, all Governor Abbott needs to do is call up the militia, AKA "The People" and The People will put a stop to this situation! Many years ago, I swore an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution from ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic. That oath has no expiration date!
  3. Lucky or durable, not sure which. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I spent 32 of my 64 years running into burning buildings!
  4. Back in early 1984, I was working 2nd shift at a business in downtown Rochester, NY. I didn't have a car at the time and rode the bus back and forth, from about three miles away. The storm hit around 7 PM and by midnight, it was really getting ugly out. The buses stopped running by 9 that night. I had no desire to stay at work overnight, so I set off on foot. Since the walking portion of my usual commute was a couple hundred feet at most, I was not dressed for what I encountered. I had on jeans, a T-shirt, tennis shoes and a light jacket. The temperature was around zero and the winds were high. While it had been snowing for several hours, there was little on the ground. It was kinda like walking in a sandstorm, with visibility changing between fifty feet and zero. I walked as quickly as I could, but it still took me over 90 minutes to get home and I had a pretty good coating of ice on me by the time I got there. The next morning, the TV said that the temp had dropped to almost 10 below and the wind chill was about 50 below. I haven't been cold since!
  5. Most of my tools are old...... I don't have much in the way of specialized tools, but I have a plasma cutter, a hi-lift jack and a BFH!
  6. Rest in peace, Sir. I met him many years ago at the NASCAR track south of Atlanta. I was working the race as part of the fire/ems response team and he gave part of the safety briefing. After, he hung around for a little while to socialize.
  7. Merry Christmas to all!
  8. I have familial ties to WWII. My Dad and three of my uncles all answered the call. Dad was younger than the others and didn't see action until 1944, while he strolled through Italy carrying a B.A.R. His older brother served on the USS New Jersey as a member of a 16" gun crew. Mom's older brother was a belly gunner on a B-24 Liberator, lost during a bombing run in 1944. Mom's sister married a survivor of the Normandy beaches. Like hundreds of thousands of others, they were just ordinary guys who did their best when their Country asked. We owe them all gratitude and respect for the freedoms we all enjoy today.
  9. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!
  10. All I know is that whenever I take the wife with me, I have to display the "WIDE LOAD" banners front and rear...........
  11. My Dad had this same problem in his yard. He devised a solution to eliminate them. He found an 8" cube of wood and affixed a sturdy handle to it at an angle, so that when slammed onto the ground, the bottom of the cube would be flat on the ground. He then took an 8" square piece of 3/4 plywood and drilled a grid of 49 holes spaced 1 inch apart for 16-Common nails. Next, he secured the plywood to the bottom of the cube, nails down, with several 3" screws. Whenever he saw a mole burrowing across the yard, he struck. Over the years, he killed dozens of them.
  12. Look under the lid of the tank fill tower, they sometimes engrave the tank capacity there.
  13. I like your "pineapple grenade" bottle!
  14. 1984 Mack CF686FA-1566, 106' Ladder Towers, Inc. "Bulldog I" aerial, original to Marietta, GA and operated as Truck 4 most of its career there. I also photographed it in it's second home in Alabama, where it ran as Truck 31.
  15. Wait 'til you hit 64. I use my clock for a fan!
  16. I have a fair amount of ammunition.......
  17. Regular gas is $3.39 here on the south side of Atlanta, but our Governor has just suspended State gas taxes, which will drop it another 28 cents/gallon, probably in a few days.
  18. Hmmmm. I've never done a tranny........
  19. I was still in high school in NY State when that was filmed. My current house is less than two miles from where the Bandit jumped the bridge, but you'd never find the exact spot because so much has changed.
  20. The very first post of this thread shows a 1954 Mack ladder truck that served the Village of Silver Creek, NY for many years. It was originally purchased by College Park, MD. It was retired by Silver Creek in the 1990's and lived in a local barn for many years. A few years back, it was revived and returned to operable condition, including new tires, paint and lettering. Here is an updated photo, taken on a nice sunny day several weeks ago. (85LS-1725)
  21. Tender 435, Perry Hi-Way FD, Erie, PA 2023 Mack Granite/4-Guys 1250/2000 #1906/#F-3308
  22. Engine 5, East Greenwich, RI (retired) 1938 Mack 75S 750/??? #1015
  23. Engine 1, East Greenwich, RI (retired) 1961 Mack C-95F 1000/500 #1108
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