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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by GA_Dave

  1. Engine 9, Metro FD, Nashville, TN (retired) 1982 Mack MC 1000/300/50' Telesqurt
  2. Awesome! That Howard is a good guy!
  3. Ladder 9, Metro FD, Nashville, TN (retired) 1985 Mack CF/1962 Seagrave 0/0/100'
  4. Engine 403, Falconer, NY (retired) 1966 Mack C-125 1250/750
  5. Since I have roughly equal numbers of all Mack rigs as Mack Chassis rigs, I plan to post one from each group daily. For those not familiar with the numbers I include, here is a brief explanation: If you see "1000/300/20F/75' Maxim", that would mean it has a 1000 gallons per minute pump and carries 300 gallons of water and 20 gallons of foam and has a 75' Maxim aerial ladder (Most, but not all Mack aerials used Maxim ladders). Engine 6, Metro FD, Nashville, TN (retired) 1987 Mack MC/Ward '79 LTD 1500/500/50' Telesqurt
  6. Welcome to my photo collection of Mack fire apparatus. I have been photographing fire apparatus for about 35 years and have shot about 400 all Mack rigs and about 400 more built on Mack chassis. (Disclaimer: In the early days, my photography skills were somewhat lacking and I was using inferior equipment, a 110 "Pocket" camera, but things improved as time went on.) In time, I will post them all here, so sit back and enjoy the ride! Ladder 171, Silver Creek, NY (retired) 1954 Mack L 0/0/85' Maxim aerial
  7. In my 35 years of fire apparatus photography, I have only managed to capture one of these. In fact, in my over 50 years of chasing fire apparatus, it is the only one I know about! Engine 16, Opelika, AL (retired) 1975 Hendrickson H-3/Pirsch 1000/500
  8. I'm Dave, from Georgia. I'm interested in all trucks, but mostly fire trucks. I am a retired career Firefighter with 32 years in the Fire Service. I began photographing fire apparatus in 1981 and I have shot just over 16,000 of them since that time, with about 800 of them being built by Mack or built on Mack chassis.
  9. Way back in the late 1980's, I took this photo of a Mack C-85 in Cedar Grove, FL. Back in those days, I did not gather very much information when I took photos, but what I did write down was that it was a C-85 with a 750 GPM pump. Now that I have retired and have the time, I am going back through my old photos and attempting to fill in the blanks. One of the first unusual things is that this one has single headlights, typical of the Macks delivered to FDNY from 1958-1960. None of those FDNY pumpers had rear fender compartments, which this one has, however, they don't appear to be Mack compartments, so they could have been added later. In the 1958 FDNY group, the C-85 pumpers had a cluster of 3" gauges on the pump panel; in the 1959 group, they had 6" master intake and discharge gauges, like this one. All of the pumpers in both groups had a single spotlight mounted through the center of the roof, just above the windshield. The Cedar Grove rig has one on each A-post. The pump is a Hale. Mack switched from Hale to Waterous pumps in 1960. The booster reel on FDNY pumpers was mounted transversely and played out over the rear of the rig, which the Cedar Grove pumper does not, although it could have been changed, perhaps when the compartments were added. I am trying to determine the year of manufacture of the Cedar Grove pumper and I am also trying to determine if it was once a FDNY rig. Aside from FDNY, I am unaware of any C-Model Macks that had the single headlights. In addition, the practice of buying former FDNY apparatus for other FD's didn't really begin until after these rigs had been retired. As far as I know, most of the FDNY Mack C rigs were cut up for scrap. If anyone has any additional info, please don't be shy!
  10. One of them served Fleetwood, PA for many years and was sold to a collector. I believe it still exists. The other ended up in Peach County, GA as Engine 2. It served there for quite a few years before being rolled during a response. They took it out of service and parked it near the station and it was still there as of a few years ago.
  11. Is this your truck?
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