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    Interests include farming, trucking, and beer.

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  1. Anyways....tried uploading the photos I took of the truck. That went over like a fart in church. However I have some part numbers to share. Exhaust manifold 104GC5164M. (just realized that is the P/N for only the front third of the manifold) I'll get the other to tomorrow. S300 turbo 631GC5172BM8X. Thats what my pictures show. S300 model number S300A113. My ECM has "Advanced" wrote on it in white paint pen. I will try and get more info on the emissions swap Friday. Old Red Mack, I immediatly thought the same thing about the miss I have. An EUP problem. As far as the hard staring goes, they told me it has 80psi fuel pressure. So, they don't know the answer. The hard starting and miss problems started happened all at once. That was actually what I originally went to shop for. Now that you mentioned it, I do remember hearing the injectors are the same except for different cups. Mack Technician, Finally on the 4th turbo(S300) they changed the oil feed line. A little late in my opinion. The rest of the work will be done at home. Thanks again guys.
  2. Thanks for the help from you guys in advance. I'm going to try and make a long story short the best I can even though I will end up leaving out some details. Have 04' Vision with an AC-427. That motor was a pile, as most would agree. Got tired of dumping oil in it at 697,000 and decided to get it deleted and overhauled. I was told at the time the motor was converted to an E-tech and had 460 injectors. Imediatly after the work was done I gained .8-1.0 mpg, coolant and oil temps went down 10-15 degrees, and a lot more power. A puff of black smoke when shifting and away I went while still being light weight. The shop we are unfortunatly dealing with, fired the mechanic who did most of the work during the overhaul. The truck has 870,000 on now. Recently we took the truck in to have some simple things repaired including replacing the exhaust manifold gaskets. While doing that job they ran into a crack on the exhaust housing of the turbo. The existing S300 turbo was replaced with another S300. I went through 3 of those S300's. They all lasted a week. The bearing goes out and starts shredding the housing. YES, the truck has good oil pressure. The intercooler was replaced in January before we had all this trouble recently. The intercooler was pressure checked and cleaned. Nobody at the shop can figure out the problem. My EGT's were never got above 1050 degrees on a long hard pull and the boost was 32 psi. So the other day we stopped at the shop to see how things were going. Noticed a 2000 Vision 460 sitting next to ours with a S400 turbo on it. My research and your verifications have told me our truck needs a S400. I thought I hit a home run and figured it out. Now the owner of the shop tells me I have an AC427 converted to an AI460. All of the parts to do the conversion were off a AI motor using the S300. Some things I do know for sure are: 1. my ecm says 12MS530M (pretty sure thats an AI ecm) 2. I have an S300 turbo currently and he switched my injectors to 427 thinking that will magically solve the problem. He tells me I am getting it too hot at 1050 degrees. I think that is B.S. I am extremely disappointed with the power. The truck won't pull a drunk hooker off a barstool. 3.Intercooler is still the same p/n as the ac motor had, just has modified plumbing to it. 4. The exhaust pipe right after the turbo has a hose going to intake side of engine. I was told by mechanic to limit the boost so it doesn't get too high. Conclusion- I think I need an S400 with 460 injectors and the thing should run fine. Why the orginal S300 lasted as long as it did for two years is unknown. The company has done what he wants without permission and the total situation is a nightmare. I know I left out some details. Thanks again for listening to my incoherant rambling. Oh, and the shop still hasn't fixed the hard miss under load or the hard starting. We left the shop worse than when we came in by far.
  3. What turbo belongs on a AI-460 and an AI-427? S300 or S400? My research says an etech should have a S300 on a 350-400hp and a S400 on a 427-460. That is all I know. I realize the AI is not an etech but similar. My engine is an AC-427 converted to either an AI or etech engine. I'm not sure which. Its a very long story. I appreciate the help in advance and love the site. This site helps the working class diagnose our truck troubles and keep us earning the money to feed our familes.
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