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  1. At first I thought the Mack truck my new employer owns was cool, till I found out it is actually a Renault! Since I am the maintenance manager here I get to fix whatever goes wrong with our vehicles. The 1995 Midliner is reliable enough, but when something breaks I have a hard time accessing any info and parts seem scarce and expensive. This forum is my way of getting help with those areas. The combination turn signal, dimmer and horn switch died, and I found out that if you can find one on Ebay it will cost serious dough. So I installed separate non stock toggles and a momentary button for each function. Works like a charm! Thank you for being here.
  2. Thank you Panelizer! I got it working.
  3. No luck so far finding a diagram so I am going to trace out the circuit in the old harness to see where I might have gone wrong. Maybe there is an inline fuse for this circuit?
  4. Does anyone know where to get a diagram for the 95 Midliner?
  5. I haven't checked the switch, but the lights worked fine the day before... Either there is a fuse somewhere that is blown, or I have missed a connection somewhere in my new harness. There has to be a fuse protecting this circuit. Besides I don't have power to the switch, so it's a moot point for now.
  6. I can't find a fuse for reverse lights in my 1995 midliner. I built and installed a new rear light harness for it because the old one wore through between the engine and the frame and kept blowing the turn signal and brake light fuses. Everything works good now, but no reverse lights. All the fuses in the panel are OK. I tested for power at the transmission and got nothing, leading me to think there's a fuse somewhere else that is blown. Anyone else know about this?
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