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1961H67 last won the day on November 1

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About 1961H67

  • Birthday 06/10/1959


  • Location
    Fairview , NC

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    Restoring my 1951 LJ ,,, I learned to drive on this truck when I was 17 ,, It had a 5th wheel wrecker on it ,, It was purchased new here in Asheville by the Coke Distributor, A Local welding supply purchased it from Coke in the late 50s , Replaced the Engine with a reman 220 in 1963 , A friend of mine bought it in 1969 when the Welding Co traded it in ,,, I bought it in the early 80s , never had time to restore it until I retired from Ryder Transportation after 32years , We also haul Heavy Equipment, we have 5 Superliners
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  1. Yes , The LJ is up at my house away from the damage,, it’s good to try to keep making progress with it, I actually think I came out with less money buying the parts truck, the chrome was pretty good on the vent window frames and door handles,, I used my old vent rubber. ( plus a air starter system to play with later) I had door glass cut also, I so wish I had painted the door panels before my paint cabinet washed away,, But I’ll get some more . Assembled the right side this morning.
  2. Left side vent assembly in , it came out pretty good considering all the hurdles I went through, slowly inching forward.
  3. Juggling between hauling equipment, working on flood damage around the shop , but I did find time to get some new vent window glass and door glass cut this week, hopefully I can assemble the vent assemblies in a few days.
  4. I cleaned up the starter and made 2 end gaskets and put it back together, I’ll stick it back on and try it in a few days. The H probably could be restored, but I have one and don’t have the time, I’ll see if the engine will run, I’m not going to take it to the scrap yard,, I would make someone a good deal on it minus the door parts and “ air starter Kit “ . I have a buddy that works at a hose supply store,, I’ll get him to check on the big supply hose down to the starter.
  5. I’m thinking pretty serious about changing my H67 over to air start , I’m going to put the air starter back on the parts truck and see if all the valves work, and try to start the engine, then I can take all of it off, the big lines will have to be replaced, I was getting bored, I need a 16th winter project! ( with no shop ! )
  6. It had a line to the return,, the injector looks better. Yep a one inch air gun,,, wonder if the vanes are the same,, I got it free, Just messing around with it on a cool rainy day.
  7. It was a rainy morning, so I thought I’d take it apart, actually all I need is the end gaskets , and I can make those, the vanes have scratches but not terribly bad,,, I’ll contact ASC and see if any thing is available,, if not I’ll clean it up and put it back together ( I did mark all the sections in the direction they came apart) . Thanks for the suggestions .
  8. Thank yall for the comments, We have found a few parts with a metal detector, and about half a mile is where most were found,, Some of the parts are small and it’s more trouble at this point to keep looking, I think I have enough to finish it. And yes I’m keeping all the air start stuff,, I actually would love to find a small parts rebuild kit for the starter, I aired it up and it was stuck, it blows air straight through, I took it off and got it lose , I might take it apart on a cold rainy day.
  9. You are exactly right,,, But,,, you know how some of those “ Drivers “ are who don’t own the trucks,,, it would be a different story if they had to buy fuel or pay for a engine.
  10. My goodness! That is a Load! Great to find old pictures and share them,, I’m sure there are Thousands packed away in a drawer somewhere.
  11. Got the doors taken apart on the parts H Model, I think I’m going to be ok on all the parts that got washed away, hopefully I can catch a break on weather and start putting some stuff back in my doors,, I’m still finding a few parts on the creek bank, I had the front end off the first Mack I ever purchased back in 1978 , it was a 59 B61 , it’s been long gone but I saved the hood, radiator shroud, shutters, I had them laying on a parts conex/ container. All I found was the bent Radiator shroud. The Dog was unharmed! I cut the bent piece off and hung it in my office.
  12. Good memories, My Dad drove Fs for Hennis , and he had a Cousin that drove a MB for Overnite .
  13. I had a good collection of those Buttons from where I worked at Ryder for 30 years, the drivers would have them installed on the road,, we had a portable pump stand we would hook up and check the fuel pressure, I would install a factory Button back, Yes anything in the single digits would Roll Coal ! I had a box with snap rings, plyers, stacks of shims and probably 20 “ Hot Buttons “ . They ALL got washed away in the flood in September.
  14. Great video, and nice truck, we have a Superliner with a factory 3406B , A guy about 50 miles away has one with a 8V92 in it. I loved all the options you had back then , and the “ K “is a jewel, A friend of mine has one in a 1980 KW , I installed a Jake Brake on it for him about 25 years ago, I remember it was hard to find at the time. Thanks for the video!
  15. The 318 was put in this LTH in Alaska,,in the 60s ,, Easy start in the cold climate. Yes I grew up about 1/2 mile from I-40 , I remember the common Sound in the 70s , dropping 3 gears on the slightest hill . These young people are amazed by what it is. Some time I’ll post some history of this truck, hopefully I’m on the home stretch with the LJ . Thanks for all the pictures of the old working trucks
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