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About Murf716

  • Birthday July 16


  • Location
    Phila., PA

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  1. Still have any red ones with the metal flake?
  2. very cool project!
  3. Nice truck & trailer! Going to give it a full resto?
  4. Nice truck! Would love to find a chrome steering wheel that those trucks came with.
  5. Looking for four 22.5 aluminum wheels. want something in good shape but they don't have to be perfect because they are going to be inside rims.
  6. Looking to sell the factory Mack Rawhide bumper from my 2013 CHU. Bumper is in great condition with only a couple small road dings. Was taken off of truck at 40k miles. Located in Phila., PA 19111. Bumper is 3k new from Mack- asking $1,500 215-284-4913 Rich Murphy
  7. Name: Mack RD (2003) Date Added: 25 January 2016 - 08:52 PM Owner: Murf716 Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  8. Looking for at least 2 but would buy a set of 5 roof light lenses for our 1977 R-model. The lense itself is stamped with part# LS336 & the base part# KD518 SAE PC68. If anyone has them or could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
  9. I'm a big guy so I would never downgrade to a RD cab with the CH having twice the room.
  10. Finished product look great! Especially considering how rough they were to begin with.
  11. Name: Mack RD (1997) Date Added: 21 January 2016 - 07:57 PM Owner: Murf716 Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  12. Name: Mack R Model (1977) Date Added: 21 January 2016 - 12:01 AM Owner: Murf716 Short Description: Grandfather purchased the truck brand new from Philly Mack. My father started to restore it & my brother and myself have it just about finished up. View Vehicle
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