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About Bbpools

  • Birthday 05/27/1980


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    New Hampshire U.S.A

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  1. Just wondering if any other of you rabid Mack truck freaks were headed to Berubes truck show & bbq this Sunday. Hope to see you there
  2. WTF is exactly what I've been saying. My blood pressure is through the roof trying to figure out how to look at pics. I hate computers!!!! I barely know how to turn them on. Hahaha. Glad to finally see I'm not the only one with this problem.
  3. Tjc transport, thanks for the info. I'm gonna try out the ospho too. I just googled it and read some reviews. I used a turbo nozzle on my pressure washer to help remove the heavy scale. It spirals the 0 degree tip and rips the scale right off.
  4. Razorback11, thanks for the reply. I'm gonna pick up a couple of cans of that valspar hardener to try it out. I watched a YouTube video of a guy restoring a low bed trailer and he was using some paint hardener. He mentioned in the video that it helps the paint cure faster and it bonds a lot better to what your painting. I've always had good luck with the rustolium just sometimes it takes forever for it to dry cause I spray outside and it's not always as warm as it should be. Keep up the good work and post more pics of your progress. Dirtymilkman I always use a steam pressure washer with a low pressure soap feeder and I run a degreaser called H.D. Mel that I get from a friends pressure washer sales shop. There called H.O.P in Sandown N.H. I have had that problem with getting the color to stick when I apply it on bare metal surfaces. I don't use there primer. Instead I use the flat or matte black for my first couple of coats then I apply the color paint I want. It usually works. I know what you mean by getting the color to stick. It's like your painting with milk. Hahaha
  5. The front loaders are a lot easier around the residential jobs. The driver can move and pour at the same time. Plus there all wheel drive so it makes them more agile. They always stick the green horns in the rear loaders. Either that if you see a veteran driver in a rear loader you know he messed up.
  6. I think it looks awesome. Your doing a good job with it. Bet you can't wait to go for a rip. I was just wondering what kind of paint hardener, and where you got it from. I went to my local truck parts store with a paint supply and asked the guy behind the counter for a hardener for rustolium and he looked at me like I was nuts!!! He started getting into different paint bases and I got all confused. I just want to keep it simple. Thanks for the pics you gave me something to look forward to do.
  7. My tandem axle dump has the trolley brakes on the rear axles. I'm gonna have to replumb it also cause I'm putting a pintle plate on so I can tow a tag trailer.
  8. Name: Big red Date Added: Owner: Bbpools Bbpools
  9. Name: Mack DM 690s (1988) Date Added: 30 January 2016 - 08:54 PM Owner: Bbpools Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
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