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  1. Was thinking about doing that but was told it needed to be close to the pump or it wouldn’t be strong enough to suck fuel from the tank
  2. Has anyone here changed from the original canister filter to a dual filter set up Mack primary and secondary filter set up on a 673P non turbo engine
  3. Are these still available
  4. No oil cooler been trying to find something to cross reference
  5. Has anyone done a swap from the the full flow cartridge oil filter to the spin on filters looking to switch my 673P NA motor over wanted to know if it’s possible
  6. Can you take a picture of the tag on the tank so I can send it to them
  7. Was hoping you would reply those tanks are exactly what I want they could find any information I spoke with zack over there and he said to try to get a part number or a invoice number or name they made them for and he would be able to duplicate them thanks for the reply
  8. Looking for the aluimitank tank numbers for a b81 50 gallon drivers side 40 gallon passenger side any help
  9. What’s everyone using for new tanks
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