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  1. The valve cover tag says the motor is a 400hp built in 1982 but according to my local Mack dealer the VIN tells them the truck is a 1986 with a 450hp. I'm just trying to find out if the valve cover were replaced or was it repowered or maybe the door was replaced. Just trying to find out what numbers are right
  2. Where is the serial number on the V8? I can't seem to find it and the plate on the valve cover doesn't match what the VIN indicated
  3. I've heard Dale was the guy to call. How big of a wallet do I need for his work?
  4. I went to see it today, I guess it spun a cam bearing. It is an EM9-400R, built in 1982.
  5. I'm in Waukesha, but the truck is in Racine. I haven't heard the truck run yet I'm going today to see if I can hear it run.
  6. I have been looking at an 86 RW713 with an E9 in it that has a knock in the motor. I can't find anyone in my area (southeast WI) that's has one or that even wants to do work to one. Are they that bad to work on? Or are the parts cost too much or are they hard to come by? Any information about them would be great
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